"Sergeant James Rhodes here" Rhodey's voice echo's through the phone and Peter rolls his eyes.

"Rhodey it's Peter" He says quietly as he slips into the toilets with a sigh. "Please tell me you're on your way to grab me?" He asks and Rhodey's chuckle makes him sigh in relief.

"I'm outside, back entrance. You're engineer teacher called, said that there was some serious amount of paparazzi out side. There are but we should be able to get out before they realise what's going on." He says casually. Peter thinks for moment and fidgets.

"Will they go after my friends?" He asks for a moment, he hears Rhodey grunt a bit and he groans. "C...Can I bring my friends with me? We can drop them off at home, it's only two of them and they're both really close to me right now" He begs, Rhodey scoffs.

"You sound like you dad when he was trying to steal my beer for the first time" He teases. "Fine grab your friends and move fast" He says seriously, Peter hangs up and runs off to grab his friends.


The ride was quiet, Rhodey kept glancing at the three in the back and smirking at Peter. Peter flushed each time he saw the smirk, MJ was leaning against him as the car moved. Feeling a blush covering his face one more time as Rhodey parks out side of Ned's house the other boy waves a bit. "See you tomorrow Pete" He says high-fiving the other boy with grin. Rhodey starts to drive again once the door closes.

"So...How long have you and Pete been dating?" Rhodey's teasing voice rings out and Peter's pretty sure he can die now. MJ glanced up at Rhodey with a study gaze.

"We aren't." She responds and Peter nods his head a bit, gulping a little as an awkward bubble forms in his throat.

"Bull. I've seen enough teen drama movies to know when there's a couple in my car." He grinned evilly. "Or are you two in that awkward 'I like him/her but I don't know what to do' stage because you need to get over that fast." He says casually and Peter glares, MJ snorts a little.

"Shame, Pete here isn't my type. I'm more into tits then I am dicks" Peter coughs violently into his hand and hides a grin as Rhodey him self stiffens.

"Oh shit urm...sorry sorry I-I urm-" Rhodey pulls up out side of her flat. "I didn't know I won't-" MJ shakes her head.

"I'm joking. I swing both ways" She gets out of the car, Rhodey's mouth drops open as he realises a teenage girl had him babbling and apologising. "I'll see you tomorrow Peter." She leans in to grab her bag, brushing a soft kiss on Peter's cheek. "I'll call with details for the three way with Ned ok big guy?" She sends him a wicked grin and runs off in side whilst Peter just gapes and splutters.

"W-what the fuck" His voice went up 3 octaves whilst Rhodey just whistles low and drives towards the tower.

"Jeez you know how to pick 'em Pete. And you aren't even together yet" Rhodey says softly.

The rest of the of the ride is silent as Peter just holds his cheek. A blush covering his face the whole time.


Peter was late.

He was soooo late. He was over an hour late and it wasn't even his fault.

The boy was running fast across the rooftops, the tower finally coming into view. He'd ran out of web fluid and was just out side of queens. He'd been running the whole time and was exhausted. "Shit shit shit!" He mutters finally landing on a window at the tower, he spots Rhodey staring at him from the front room window and gulps.

"Get in side. Right now" He says seriously. Peter climbed in through the window and pulls off his mask as Rhodey approached him. The teen gave a soft gulp as he stood in front of him. "I better hear a valid reason on why you're 2 hours late Peter." Rhodey says seriously. He was in his wheelchair right now but he was still petrified of the aura Rhodey was giving off.

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