Untitled Part 5

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Peter shuffled awkwardly, He was a blushing mess as he waited for MJ to show up at the movies. He'd snuck out behind Rhodey and Steve's back, leaving a note that he was 'staying at Ned's for the night' He'd just phone up and say Ned wasn't feeling great afterwards.

He knew it was stupid to do but he didn't want his dad or 'uncles' going over board for his first date, Especially when it's with MJ.

He still can't believe he asked her out.


"M-MJ Hey! MJ Wait!" Peter followed MJ from their final lesson, which was thankfully Art. She glanced at him as the halls swarmed with people, she turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"What loser?" She asks, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. "I'm busy." She states with a huff. Peter blushed darkly and stutter a little.

"I...I urm....I wanted to...you see..." He groans a little, rubbing his neck a bit and huffs. She raised her eyebrow at him and smirked.

"I see what?" She asks, moving into his personal space. He gulped heavily.

"Go...Go to the movies with me - A date." He says softly, watching her eyes scanning his face. Every inch felt scrutinized as she stares at him in silence. "Y-You don't have to-I-" She cracks a grin.

"I'll meet you at 7 on Friday at the cinema, don't be late. I mean it" She pokes his chest and turns leaving. He grins and runs out to get in Rhodey's car.


So here he was, 6:55 and counting down the minutes until she showed up. He was dressed in a casual pair of black jeans, with a white shirt and a blue flannel pulled over it, he tapped his foot quietly.

And then he heard it.

"...is that Peter?" He froze up and turned his head to see Bucky and Steve staring at him silently before they moved towards him. He gulped. "Peter? I thought you where on your way to Ned's?" Steve asks, Peter feels his face heat up.

"I was, but Ned wanted to see a movie with me and MJ was running late so he's inside waiting." He lies as smoothly as possible. Steve seems to believe him but Bucky's giving him 'that look'.

"Huh. What movie are you seeing?" He questions, Steve elbows Bucky a little and Peter blushed more.

"W-we're gonna watch that Emoji movie. Me and Ned wanted to see how bad it is and MJ wanted a good laugh" He covers smoothly. He can spot the girl in question walking towards him. Bucky grunts.

"It's shit" Bucky in forms him. "Me and Stevie are watching fault in our stars. It's supposed to be romantic" He grinned at Peter and winked before turning and walking away. Peter snorts a little and rolls his eyes, MJ held back until she could no longer see them before walking over.

"Look at you being all not nerdy." She lets out a low whistle and smirks at the blush on his face. "So what're we watching?" She asks and Peter thinks for a moment.

"The emoji movie, figured with it's ability to sell out to the masses and the poop jokes we might be able to have a laugh" He shrugged, She grinned at him and elbowed him lightly. He was also secretly counting on the fact the movie ended before Steve's and Bucky's so he could make a quick get away. He walked to the desk and brought their tickets and looked to her. "Food and drink?" He asks glancing at her. She smiled and brushed some more hair behind her ear. 

"Sweet popcorn and a soda?" She asks. Peter smiles and nods a bit.

"Sure." He orders one popcorn and two soda's before they make their way into the room. They walk to the middle of the cinema and relax into their chairs just as the movie starts.

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