Untitled Part 4

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Rhodey watched Peter and Steve from his spot at the kitchen isle. The boy was almost glued to Steve's sigh and would jump anytime a small noise went off, Steve had wrapped an arm around his shoulder and had pulled him close whilst he cooked eggs and bacon one handed. The entire time chatting away like nothing was out of the ordinary. Rhodey watched quietly as Peter suddenly dived his head into Steve's side as his own phone pinged with a message.

"Pete, it's ok. It was your phone." Steve held it up. Looking at it quietly he raises a brow. "Your friend 'Art nerd' says 'Hope your cuss word gets better soon loser. Miss my awkward turtle comments on my art' ....wait is art nerd that curly haired girl?" Steve got a massive grin across his face and Peter looked at him in confusion.

"Did you just say Cuss word instead of swearing?" He asks, ignoring Peter's question completly. Rhodey grins a bit as he watches Peter's smirk appear. "Lifes a cussword and then you die right?" He teased a little. Though he jumped and hid into Steve's side as the phone pings again. Rhodey sighs getting up awkwardly. 

"Ok, Uncle Rhodey would like attention from his nephew, as well as food without extra salt so come here lover boy" He wrapped an arm around the boy and Peter immedately slammed into his side, Rhodey gasped a bit in shock. "Jeez kid. You're stronger than you look" He teased a little. Though he felt the boy shaking in his arms and flinched. "Oh kiddo. Come on, time to eat" He says softly. Steve hands places two plates on the isle, and Rhodey gets Peter to sit down.

"Ok Pete. If you can eat at least half we won't have a problem." Steve says watching the boy push the food around. Rhodey looks to him in concern. "It's fine. When he's having days like this, getting him to eat is like pulling teeth. Last time Tony had to force him to whilst I held him." He mutters and Rhodey grunts.

"Reason why you need him to eat so badly?" He asks and Steve nods.

"Missing one meal for him is like missing 2 days worth of food. He needs as much as me and Bucky" He mutters, watching the boy finally eat. He sighs in relief, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Another ping and a hiding Peter was seen.


Steve and Rhodey sat on the sofa, Peter curled up between them with a cup of hot chocolate, StarWars was playing on the big screen and Peter was intranced. Steve leaned over and whispered to Rhodey. "He'll be like this for a while. For now all we need to watch out for is an anxiety

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