Untitled Part 1

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Peter knew it was coming,

Well...he didn't exactly know, but he had a feeling it would.

The media were speculating who he was to Tony. Ever since he'd shown up at the school they'd been trying to figure it out. It's why right now Tony and Pepper where prepping him for the press conference. Tony had an iron grip on his shoulder and Pepper his hand as they talked.

It was a Monday and for once all Peter wanted to do was go to school and go to Spanish.

This all started on Friday.


Peter had just finished a long day at school when he stepped out side and was almost blinded by the amount of lights that hit him.

"There he is!" A man's voice echo'd as large groups of people surrounded him. Peter gulps as camera's flashed every second and people shoved microphones and tape recorders in his direction.

"Are you Tony Stark's son?"

"Tell us, what's it like being an heir to the Stark fortune?"

"Where you a one night stand?"

"Has Mr.Stark been keeping you a secret out of shame?!"

One after another questions where chucked at him and he felt the familiar feeling of panic rise in him as they blocked off almost all of the exits. He blinked blurrily as he spotted a familiar scowl making his way through the crowed.

"Back it up, leave him alone!" Happy's voice rang out and soon felt a hand grip his arm and pull him along. Happy leaned down to him as he muscled his way through the crowed. "Breath kid, we're going to head to the compound" He whispered as he got Peter in and drove away from Peter's school. Peter gaped at the amount of paparazzi there and looked to Happy.

"What the fuck Happy?" He asks and Happy choked on a startled laugh. "What's going on? Who where they? Do they know about Spider-Man? Oh god do they know who I am now? What if-" Happy interrupted him.

"Spider-man's identity is unknown, Tony want's to talk to you when we get home. Under strict orders not to tell you" Happy says. Peter watches him pull up the guard and grunts in annoyance.

"Peachy" He mutters.


That's how they got here.

Aunt May had let slip that Peter Parker was Tony's biological son.

The bullies parents had provided evidence of this because of his involvement and the trial.

It was a giant bomb waiting to explode and right now they where having a press conference to defuse it. Peter was freaking out a little as Pepper messed with his hair, trying to get it to lay in a specific way. He smiled gingerly at her as she tried to give him an encouraging smile. He had to admit, seeing her so frazzled was kind of funny. "Let your dad and me talk and any questions asked towards you answer them. If you don't feel comfortable answering the questions then just tell them out right 'I'm not comfortable answering that' and move to the next person. If at any point, and I mean Any point, you want to leave we can. We aren't going to make you stay if you aren't comfortable." She assures, giving up on his hair with a huff. "It's as bad as Tony's when he grows it out" She mumbles.

"Sorry" He mumbles, he blushed a bit as she just shook her head and chuckles.

"At least you know to apologise" She mumbles, kissing his forehead, she spots Tony and waves a little, the man comes over and hugs Peter from behind with a confidant smirk.

"We'll make them squirm for coming after my son like that" Tony muttered and Peter grinned a bit, leaning into his dad and looked up to him with a smirk of his own.

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