Chapter 5- First time

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"So Jake,huh?" Jessica asked pushing at my shoulders to get my attention, I just smiled at her.

Alice, Rosalie, Jessica and I were having a girls night since the boys were away training for the impending fight, all this was keeping me on edge considering I had no certainty on Jake's future concerning this fight, Alice was no help towards that and I wasn't about to let Jake get into this blind I would keep him out of the fight at all cost, call me selfish but there was no way in hell I'm going through life without him.

Same goes for Edward, I still have to find a way to keep him out of the fight aswell.

Oh God! Id keep them all out if I could, it wasn't worth it, Jeez why don't this vampires just leave me alone, what'd I ever do to them.

"what's wrong Bella?" Alice asked looking at me with worry.

"I'm just worried about Jake and Edward" I finally admitted not knowing what else to do, I was helpless already as it was.

"Don't be, they are big boys I'm sure they can fend for themselves" Alice said with such certainty she almost had me believing.

"What are you on about, are Edward and Jacob in trouble?" Jessica asked

we had forgotten she was still here, we stared at her dumbfounded.

"Jess can you get the straightener plugged in so we can get started on Bella's hair" Alice said changing the subject strategically.

Jessica did as she was told, while Alice resumed doing my nails, Rosalie was still going through my things looking for something to go with the make over, she pulled out a white knee length dress my mom had bought me when I was like 16 or so back in Jacksonvile, I still haven't gotten around to wearing it, I hope it still fits.

"so is this for Jake?" Jessica asked, "wow Bella, you left Edward for Ja..." she continued to say but I cut her off.

"No we are not talking about this" I said

"oh come on, Bella you're no fun" Rosalie taunted

"No Rose not you too" I said knowing full well what Rose what Rose wanted to turn this conversation into, I had almost forgotten she used to have a thing for Edward, way back.

"okay let's move there so we can get started on your hair" Alice said,

We finished in more or less 40minutes, and when I stepped out of the bathroom I was real dolled up.

The girls clapped their hands, admiring their work, they had done a good job if I do say so myself, the dress Rosalie picked out still fit me though it was a bit shorter now.

"wait till Jake sees you in this, nevermind that what'll Edw ..."

Alice cut her off,

"are you trying to make her angry, this is for Jake leave it at that" she was so fierce for someone with such a small body, you couldn't really tell whether you wanted to hug her for her big speech or be afraid because she meant the threat behind it.

"Gosh whatever, Bella I'm out of here, Mike's outside, tell me how you night turned out" Jessica said taking her bag and hurrying to the door, slamming it in the process.

"She is so nice"

came the commend from Rose

"Jake's almost here, I can smell his scent getting stronger already,so Rose and I'll get going, I don't want to be a spoil sport but I can't stand that smell" she pain giving me a kiss on my cheeks, Rose just have me a cold hug, I don't hold it against her though she is just not an affectionate person well except when she is with her Emmett, that giant of a guy with his cute dimples.

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