Chapter 4- The Decision is made

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*somewhere in Seattle

"we should attack while we still have the numbers" Victoria stated with distaste,watching how some of her new born army members lay dead on the streets defeated by their own.

"Whenever you're ready beautiful" Riley replied, wrapping Victoria in his arms and giving her a loving kiss on her lips.

Victoria. returned the kiss with as much gusto as him, wiggling in his arms like putty.

"What do you suggest we do sister?" Alex asked his twin sister Jane, watching the Victoria and her new born army from the rooftop.

"This looks interesting, an army of new born vampires, whatever is their purpose, tsk...tsk...tsk" Jane asked no one in particular, watching the new borns with a gleam in her eyes as though she couldn't contain the excitement that was sure to wreck her senseless.

"I think we should inform Aro before this gets out of hand" one of the Vultari guards stated, feeling uneasy about the situation.

A sudden stabbing pain wrecked his body, to the extent where he was sure his head would explode from it.

"...Ah" he yelled in pain, clutching his chest with his arm, frozen in place by the gut wrenching pain.

"Don't you dare!" Jane exclaimed, increasing the extent of her powers on the guard, with a simple stare, bringing a whole new meaning to the word "if looks could kill"

"Stop it Jane, you'll kill him" Alex her brother stated placing his hand on his sisters shoulder, immediately feeling the affect he had on his sister as the guard fell to the ground, gasping in pain, still clutching his chest.

"very well" Jane said in her strangely hypnotic voice, turning to once more stare at the new born army of vampires.

*Vision ends

"They are coming for us" Alice said, watching her brother Edward pacing around in front of her.

"So we prepare" Jasper stated matter of factly, pulling his girlfriend into his arms, soothingly rubbing her back.

"inform Jacob and his pack" Carlisle ordered Edward, knowing he wouldn't do it, hence the feud between Edward and Jake.

meanwhile at Bella's house, Bella sat by her computer, reading the email Jake sent her.

Hey loca,

I miss ya beautiful, how you holding up, sucks that we can't be together physically, hopefully this can be sorted out before Friday, I don't think I could survive another day without ya.

thinking bout ya,



She smiled to herself, feeling her face flush pink, thinking how random Jake was, and surprised that their love survived all that had come their way, and hopefully what was still to come what with the new borns still on her tail and Alice still hasn't said anything yet in this whole long week of Jacob and her temporal separation and it sure was agony not being in her loves arms for so long.

infact she had been isolated from almost everyone and had been locked in her room all week straight after school, she refused to spent her days at Edward's not wanting to stair old feelings.

"Bella is something wrong, did you and Jacob have a fight?" Charlie asked warily, watching his daughter waste away in front of the computer, he was worried Bella might do something stupid, she was an unpredictable teenager, last week she was happy all willy nilly with Jacob, the week before she was sulking in this very room over Edward, and here she was again.

Bella stood up from her chair at the computer and took a seat on her bed facing her father at the door.

"No dad its not that" she said pausing to try and thing of a believable lie for what was going on.

"Then what is it Bella, you have other friends you can 'smooze' with, thats what you teenagers call it this days right, 'smoozing'?" Charlie asked, air quoting the word.

"Oh God dad, don't ever say that again" his daughter laughed.

He laughed along, then got serious for a moment.

"If that boy is forcing you to do something you are not comfortable with you just tell me honey and I'll shoot him before he can even say I'm sorry" Charlie said, seriously, meaning every word.

"I'll be sure to tell you dad", his daughter laughed, imagining him with his gun chasing Jake down the road into the forest.

"That's right, you let your old man know, anyway I just wanted you to know Leah and Seth's father and I are going hunting for some troublesome words in the woods, those things have become a nuisance, and I don't want you out alone, okay" Charlie said turning to walk back into the living room where he met up with his friend.

"sure dad, I'll call Alice or Jessica to come over" Bella shouted so her dad could hear her.

"okay Bells, you stay safe now, I've stuffed some pepper spray in one of your drawers" he said before only the sound of the door closing could be heard.

*Authors Note:

There you have it guys, chapter 4, I hope ya like it, but you have to comment though otherwise I won't know whether you like it or not, ooh vote as well, pretty please thanks. more to come



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