Chapter 2- Reunion

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"So all of them are back?" Jake asked for the second time that day, I could see the wheels turning in his head, this was clearly a nuisance to him, but he was trying really hard not to be bothered about it.

I chewed on my bottom lip frustratedly, trying really hard to keep my annoyance in check.

I then took a few slow breaths, turning to watch him with a blank expression, wondering what his problem was now.

"Yes Jake, what now?" I growled under my breath.

"Nothing, loca, its just they are Edward's family, and I'm already trying really hard at this point to get use to his presence, and you now you want me to accept his family altogether" he said, then pausing to take a breath,

"You're just expecting too much from me loca and I don't think its fair to put me in such a position" he continued, looking helpless.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry about that, Jake just understand me, you can't expect me to drop them cold just because I'm no longer dating Edward" I stated matter of fact, feeling really torn.

I then got out of the truck, and made my way to Edward's house.

I heard the door slamming behind me as Jake frustratedly jumped out of the truck to follow me to the threshold of the house, where we were greeted by welcoming happy faces of Edward's family.

Jake caught up to me, I slowed down my pace to allow this maneuver.

He stopped infront, I stared up at him from under my stray hair obscuring my view.

He took me in his arms, interlocking his hands around my back and drawing me closer to him.

"Bella, Bella, Bella, why do you do this to me loca" he said as he leaned down to allow our lips to naturally drift towards each other.

I heard a throat being cleared and a few giggles, as our kiss drew to an end.

God, this boy renders me breathless, I thought looking up at him, giving him one last peck before moving away from him and facing the crowd not wanting to be rude.

"Bella..." I head the words before I was engulfed into a soft feminine embrace, by the very delicate limbs of Alice, drawing me into a hug.

"I missed you" she whispered, then quickly jerking away from me, wrinkling her nose in the process.

"Gah! you've got that God awful dog smell all over you" she exclaimed walking back to her place next Jasper,her boyfriend, beside her family.

"I missed you too" I smiled,trying as hard as I can to try and contain  excitement vibrating in my chest, it really was great to see such welcoming and familiar faces after a while, not that I despised Jake's family, oneday I would most probably look at them the same way I do,  Edward's.

" decided you don't wanna be a vampire afterall, did ya,think your petty little human life was better then being a pale,immortal leech" Rosalie exclaimed, clicking her tongue,to emphasis her disgust.

"Its great to see you too Rosalie"I said flashing her a genuine smile, she really was a cool cat when it really came down to it.

"You been playing with the big dogs,huh? Bella" Emmett exclaimed flexing his biceps to emphasise.

I stared at him appalled, feeling Jake tense behind me.

"Bella welcome, we feel honored to be graced with your presence once more, we are however very sad about your break up with Edward, that does not change our feelings towards you however, Jacob Black, it is an honor to finally meet you as well, we have heard so much about you" Carlisle said, giving Jake a handshake, then returning to his place in the oddly synchronized structure of his family, next to Esme, wrapping his arms lovingly around her, she looked at him with an infatuated stance.

"Bella...Jacob" I heard Edward's voice coming from inside the house.

"Edward" I heard myself murmur, with a not so very certain voice, which was emphasised by a small growling noise from Jake's mouth.

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