Ive been tagged!

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Okay so I realized that MusicalMya tagged me a while ago and I never saw it and I just got tagged again by Sarah_SchoolofRock as a reminder that I never did it so I apologize that I never did. I now present to you.....
10 Facts About Me!

10 Facts About Me!

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1. My nickname from my bestie is ZayZay and from my brother and my dad is Nia
2. I have dark brown eyes
3. My hair is dark brown just like ma eyes.
4. I am a dancer who is addicted to Fortnite and Instagram....
5. My fav color is black because it reflects how I feel inside.......... (awkward silence) jk it's black because it's the representing color of my race
6. My Favorite place would be Downtown New York at night. I mean, beautiful, breathtaking, extravagant, truly beauty defying. Okay I'm done, don't even know what I'm doing now. Just saying words.
7. Okay I am like in love with Childish Gambino right now... I mean... his voice in Redbone is just sooo.... yes. Listen to his music guys. I mean, I can't even.
8. I love Silver Back Gorillas 🦍 idk why tho. I just do!
9. My favorite songs are Nice for What by Drake and I Like It by Cardi B 😍
10. Idk I don't read.... that explains my grades. My fav book is the Diary of Anne Frank. I mean, her life is so sad. 😢 R.I.P Anne. Died at 15. Okay I'm done.

And that's all, thanks MusicalMya for tagging me and Sarah_SchoolofRock for reminding me!
I tag: (this is going to be a short list btw 😂)
Yeh idk who else to tag so thank you all for taking the time to read this and for wonderful human being who tagged me MusicalMya and the other wonderful human being who reminded me Sarah_SchoolofRock
Ily all!
And sorry to everyone who was expecting a real chapter and got this. Sorry! To fix your disappoint, I will be posting a chapter in a few hours but goodnight cause it is 3am for me here in New York so I gotta sleep! Night!
Til next time!

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