~Chapter 4~

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~ Ricardo ~

If I told you I have gotten over Jade, that would be a lie. But she has clearly moved on and wants nothing to do with me. I really wanted to keep her and actually fall In love with her but now I'm back to my old ways. Girl after girl AFTER GIRL AFTER GI-

"DUDE!" Thomas yelled in my ear. "What!" I winced as my eardrums broke. "I've been calling you for 10 minutes! Where has your head been?" He flicked the back of my head.

"What the fuck do you want?"I rolled my eyes. "Do you have any idea if Breanna is single?" He asked. "Dude. Don't go after Breanna. She wants nothing to do with you anymore since you broke up." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Whatever. She wants me back. I can just see it." Thomas said proudly.

"Who wants who back?" Lance showed up. "Breanna wants me back," Thomas said and I rolled my eyes. Lance looked hurt, "Oh. She does?" He asked unsurely and Thomas nodded. "They always want me back." He leaned back in his chair.

"What are you doing in the library anyway Thomas?" Lance asked. "Oh, I'm waiting for Cree." He said smiling like an idiot. "Really? Why are you waiting for the girl you hate?" I squinted my eyes at him. "Oh! Yea... the... bitch.. is tutoring me." He rolled his eyes. "Oh, that must suck like hell." Lance patted his shoulder.

"It doesn- I mean it does, it really is a struggle." He said dramatically. "Okay, dude. Well, I'm out. How about you Lance?" I asked and he shrugged. "I guess. I wouldn't want to spend my free period surrounded by books anyway." Lance said and headed for the door.

"Hey, I'll see you guys at senior ditch day tomorrow?" Lance asked as he turned around. "Of course! Where are we going?" I asked. "The whole school is going to the club downtown," Thomas said. "Don't drink too much guys." Lance laughed and left the library. "Bye Thomas," I said and left as well.

On my way to my locker, I saw Jade standing by her locker talking to some guy. I walked over to her and leaned on the locker neck to hers in front of the guy. He sighed and walked away. "Hey, babe." I flirted. "I'm not your "babe" anymore." She said in disgust and turned around.

"Can we at least talk?" I asked and she turned back around to face me. "Talk about what? The fact that you broke my heart just like you do to every girl in this entire school? How I should have seen it coming and never have dated a jerk like you?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Jade, You don't know the full story." I tried to explain. "No, I've heard enough so give it a rest, Ricardo. You said we're done and done is DONE." Tears welled up in her eyes and I reached up to cup her cheek but she stopped me.

"Jade... It doesn't have to be like this." I fought the tears the threatened to come out. "I really thought we had something special, Ricardo." She said softly and walked away.

I just stood there watching her as she walked out of my life. "I'm sorry," I whispered but I knew she couldn't hear me as she was already all the way down the hall.

I turned around and made my way to my next class.


After I left the library I headed for the patio of the school so I can just relax. When I got there, there was already someone sitting there so I might as well join them.

I sat down next to the girl who was on the bench and she turned to look at me. "Oh... it's you." She scooted over. "OH hey, gum girl." I laughed and she stayed quiet. "So you're the famous Breanna. Weird that I never heard of you." I said. "Yeah... we're both pretty popular." She stated. "One more than the other." I laughed and she stayed quiet once again.

"Yeah... so I better get going." She started to get up but I grabbed her wrist. "Oh... I'm sorry about your jeans and that I said that in front of the class." I looked into her eyes. Gosh, I never noticed how gorgeous she was.

"Glad you know how to apologize. I forgive you, I guess." She pulled her arm away. "See you at senior ditch day?" I asked and she nodded and walked back into the school as the bell for 4th period rang. I soon got up too but not until the tardy bell rang as I had to force myself to get up and walk to class.

I had Math with Breanna and we sat at the same table so I went in and sat next to her. "Hey again..." I greeted. "Hi, again." She said irritated. "Woah! Chill bitch." I said rudely. "Oh, I'm sorry that a jerk keeps bothering me over and over again and I'm getting annoyed." She spat and walked over to another seat.

"Geez, who shit in her panties this morning," I said to myself.

"Fuck you." She said from her temporary seat. I didn't even know she heard me. "Calm down class. Now, who wants to come work out this problem a+b=917.99-" The rest of the day was all a blur. I didn't even realize it until the last bell rang and I sprinted out and got into my car and drove off to my house.

"I got there and saw my parents fighting once again. Its been going on for 3 years now and back then, I would cry at night that they don't divorce, but now? A divorce will make both of their lives easier, including mine.

I just sat in the kitchen and ate an apple as I watched them fight. My dad slapped my mom and made her fall on the ground and that's when I knew she had had enough. "Get out of my house." She yelled at my father. "What?" He asked angrily. "I said get out of my fucking house you bastard! Get away from me! Away from my son!" She threw my dads things at him and pushed him out the door. I saw him get in his car and drive away and I knew he was never coming back.

"Mom.." I went in to hug her but she stopped me. "Lance, please. Not now." She wiped her tears as she went up the long spiral staircase to her room.

I spent the rest of my day at the bar drinking to get my mind off of things and I went home extremely tired. I feel asleep thinking about how I will never see my father again.


I was lying peacefully in bed sleeping when I felt a drop of water hit my forehead but I ignored it. Then a few more drops and I finally groaned and sat up. Then I noticed that my bed was soaked with water and so were some spots on my floors. I went to my mom's room and soon saw that her room was leaking as well.

"Mom! We have leaks!" I woke her up and she got up. "The house could flood! Go grab anything of the most value to you and put it in the car! Hurry!" She ordered and I ran to my room.

I grabbed my phone, pictures of my friends and I, all my money, my trophies and all my prized positions and put them in a box and ran down to the mom's car. I then ran back up the flooding stairs and shoved some shirts, skirts, jackets, dresses, and shoes in a box as well as my undergarments and put them in my mom's car as well.

My mom did the same and we stood outside as we watched the walls of our home darken with water and crumble to the ground.

"Well, there goes 900,000 dollars." My mom shrugged. 'Mom, where are we gonna go?" I asked sadly. "Hon, I have a made a new friend and she's loaded with cash. I could ask her if we could stay there." My mom offered. "Okay mom, In the meantime, could we consider staying at a motel or something because its 2 in the morning," I said tiredly.

My mom paid for a motel close to our house and we decided to stay there for the night. My mom already called her new friend and she said that we could stay at her house.

"Hon, we're going to go move Into their guest rooms tomorrow so dress nice and don't embarrass me." My mom said and I rolled my eyes. "And she said she has a son your age who goes to your school. You two could really hit it off. If you know what I mean." My mom wiggled her brows.

"Stop," I said and she laughed. "Okay head on to bed baby." She said and I got into the bed and quickly fell asleep.

I still can't believe my home is gone.

A/N: HEY GUYS! So I am having such a great time writing this story and I hope you're liking it because it's about to get really juicy. Okay til next time because I don't have much to say.

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