~Chapter 16~

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Above is a sneak peak of the cover of the next one shot of my one shot series. Don't worry though! I'm still working on your request and on part 2 and 3 of the current one!


I've sent Breanna so many pictures of Cree and Lance and I can see that it's getting to her. I just need to humiliate her at school today and everything will go as planned. Lance will break up with her and I can confess my love to him!!!


I woke up this morning and did my morning routine. Brushed my teeth, my hair, took a shower, dressed up. Then I remembered that I get to stay home with Lance today! I quickly changed into something more comfortable like my onesie and headed downstairs to see Lance making breakfast.

"Hey, Lance." I greeted taking a seat in a stool. "Hey, babe. I made you breakfast." He said handing me a plate.

"Thank you, Lance! You didn't have to." I said taking the plate of pancakes and eggs. "It's the least I can do for my new girlfriend." He smirked and I blushed.

"Hey, if you don't mind, I texted Cree and she said she's going to come over." I said taking a mouthful of food.

"What? Why!? I wanted it to just be me and you!" He whined.

"Relax, she's just going to be here for a while. Then she's going home." I reassured him trying to calm him down. "Why can't she just go to school?" He asked.

"She just wants to come and make sure you're okay!" I said.

"You know, she reminds me of someone I hate." Lance started thinking. "And who's that?" I asked.

"Thomas. She's dating the jerk and this rumor is even about her and her dumb ass boyfriend has to come and beat me up for it. Now she has the decency to come and check if I'm okay?" Lance scoffed.

"She feels sorry for what Thomas did, Lance. Don't blame her for it." I finished my food and got up. "I know, I'm sorry." He sighed getting up as well.

The doorbell rang all of a sudden. "That must be her!" I ran to the door and opened it.

"Cree!" I gave her a hug. "What the heck? She's wearing a onesie too!?" Lance asked.

"We always wear onesies when we stay home from school. It's a tradition." Cree laughed as she walked in.

"Hey, you alright?" She walked over to Lance. "Yes, I'm fine." He waved her off.

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure. I'm really sorry for what Thomas did." Cree apologized again.

"You know, it just kind of breaks my heart that even one of my best friends would do that to me and my other best friends would just watch." Lance said.

"You mean Mace and Rico?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm sure they wanted to help you, Lance. But let's not be all sad! Let's have some fun!" Cree said happily.

"You two have your fun. I'm going to take a nap." Lance said and walked upstairs.

"Okay then... he literally just woke up." I laughed.

"So what's the deal with you two!? You seem so happy around him now and not the irritated Brea I used to know." Cree nudged me. I blushed, "We're kind of sorta going out." I said and she shrieked.

"What!? I knew you were perfect for each other! I'm so happy for you Brea!"  She jumped up and down. "Calm down, C." I laughed as she stopped jumping.

"Hey, let's take a pic to show everyone how much fun we're having!" Cree said pulling out her phone. "All we're doing in standing here but okay," I shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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