Chapter Twenty Six

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Olin and Cassandra moaned as they uncontrollably kissed into the hotel suite. They couldn't keep their hands off of each other after the incident at the restaurant, so Olin found the closest decent hotel nearby. They stumbled with their lips pressed to one another as they fumbled to get their clothing off. Cassandra giggled as they broke their kiss long enough to undress. She started to laugh as her new shirt was stuck as she tried to pull it off, "A little help please."

Olin chuckled as he lightly tickled her stomach, "Oh, this is too perfect."

Cassandra gasped and laughed, "Stop! Oh God! I can't breathe!"

Olin smirked and pulled the garment from her head. She huffed a strand of hair out of her eyes and smiled. She then watched as Olins slightly hopped on one foot as he tried to take off his designer shoes. Cassandra couldn't help herself as she slightly pushed his shoulder, making him lose his balance in the process. Olin's eyes widened as he started to fall and landed on his backside with a thud, "That was very cruel.." She giggled and continued to undress as he finally pulled off his shoes.

Olin slightly lunged for her as he pushed from the floor, but she leaned out of his grasp, "Catch me first."

Olin growled as he gently grasped her arms and pulled her back to his flat abs. She shivered as he whispered against her ear, "Caught you."

Cassandra gasped as she looked over her after Olin roughly clasped her wrist behind her back. She could hear him jerking at his belt and pants while he kissed the back of her neck. She nibbled her bottom lip as she heard his pants drop to the floor and he kicked them to the side. He continued to kiss her neck and shoulder as she took both arms in each hand and spread her legs with his knee. She moaned and arched her back as he slipped in from behind. Olin leaned his head back and hissed at her warmth. He started of with slow strokes, but before he knew it, he was roughly pounding into her small frame. Cassandra whimpered as she came for a third time, "Olin..?"

He heaved at the sound of her little voice, "I'm sorry... Fucck.. The thought of that bastard touching you, drives me fucking insane.."

Cassandra leaned her head backwards with a sigh as she came again, "I love you Olin.."

Olin felt himself twitch inside of her, "I love you too.. I'm about...."

Cassandra gasped as she felt he pulsate repeatedly deep inside her. He released her arms and hugged her closer to him. She smiled and turned her face towards his cheek and sighed.

Cassandra's mind got the best of her as she laid in Olin's arms, "Olin, who was the man at the restaurant?"

He sighed as he stared at the ceiling, "That was Vicki's first conquest. That's the man that started her multiple affairs."

She leaned up to face him, "Why.. Why did you.."

"Watch? I.. I wanted to make sure she wouldn't get hurt or raped. I never found pleasure in it. I hated her for it. She made me feel.."

Cassandra searched his face, "Not good enough?"

He cut his eyes to her, "Yes."

"And your brother was next?"

"Yes, to insure her income."

She sighed, "Do you still hate Tyler for what he did?"

"No, I can't hate him for setting me free. Speaking of free, I have to meet with the monster in two days for mediation. Can't wait.." Cassandra was silent as she pursed her lips. Olin carelessly played with her hair as he studied her, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking about what she is still putting you through." Cassandra felt slightly guilty, that was not the only thing tat was going through her mind; but she would keep it to herself.

The next day, Cassandra knew she wouldn't see Olin due to work, so she took his credit card and set out on one of her most important tasks in her life, unfortunately she was unaware of how important it would be, in such a short amount of time.

Sorry for short chapter. Did you enjoy it?

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