Chapter Four

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Olin's leg eagerly bounced as he watched the parking lot for Sid and Casandra to arrive. His nephew Brett stood puzzled as he studied his uncle, "Whstcha looking at?"


"Is it Sid?"

Olin smirked while keeping his gaze ahead, "No.."

"Is it her aunt?"

Olin sighed, crossed his arms and looked to his smirking nephew, "No..."

"I think shes pretty.."

"Who, Sid?"

Brett scoffed, "No! Her aunt Cassi. I like her, she's nice."

"When have you talked to her?"

Brett carelessly swung his bat as he spoke, "She took me and Sid out to pizza after the game when Dad couldn't pick me up right away. We're doing it again today."  He cut his smirk to his uncle, "Wanna come?"

Olin cocked a brow, "Maybe.. Just to keep an eye on you."

Brett shrugged, "Sure."

"You need to ask her if I can, I can't invite myself."

Brett chuckled as he practiced a swing, "Mkay.."

After the game, Olin smiled as operation, Nephew Wig Man was set into motion. It work like he knew it would. As the grown ups sat at their table while watching the kids play, Olin could tell Casandra was distant, "Hey, you okay?"

Casandra sighed as she looked down, "Yeah.. I.. Never mind...."

"What is it?"

She slowly looked to him, "It's Tyler. He's been acting strange lately."

Olin cocked a brow, "How so?"

"He.." She wrinkled her brow and sighed, "I.. I shouldn't be talking to you about this."

"I promise. I won't tell a soul."

"I'm sure your wife wouldn't want us to have this discussion."

Olin slightly chuckled, "Trust me. She wouldn't care." He then thought to himself, "Your husband definitely doesn't deserve you since you are so faithful."

Casandra nibbled on her bottom lip then sighed, "Okay, about three weeks ago, Tyler came home that Friday and immediately pounced on me. I thought wow, he's ready to have a baby, but I was wrong. Well, throughout the week, he was normal, then the next Friday he did the same thing, but now it's like everyday he is coming home, and acting as though he can't get his hands on me fast enough. Something is different."

Olin's gut churn since he knew the reason, but he didn't have the heart to tell her, "Maybe you should just ask him."

Casandra covered her face, "I don't know.. I mean, he wouldn't be cheating on me would he?" She slowly lowered her hands to see his reaction.

Olin clenched his jaw, "He would be a damn fool if he did."

Casandra looked to the toddlers and watched them play, "I.. I know he tells me that he loves me, and tells me he wants kids, but I don't think it's going to happen. Is it wrong for me to give children up to stay with him? I mean you did with your wife, I know you must really love her to do it."

Olin now felt ten times worse than before, "There are different reasons that people stay together."

Casandra looked down as she played with her fingers, "I suppose you're right."

Olin sighed as he reached and squeezed her little hands, "It will be okay. I'm sure he is just going through a tough time at work or something."

Casandra pursed her smile to the side and placed one hand on top of his and sighed, "Thank you for listening."

Olin wanted to lean over the table and kiss her, but held back. "Anytime."


Tyler's chest heaved as he busted through his apartment door, "Casandra?!" He eagerly searched through the rooms, but found nothing. He ran his hand through his hair as he called her number. He sighed when she answered, "Where are you? I need you to come home!"

"Why? What's wrong?" Cassandra cut her eyes to a concerned Olin.

"I just want you. Please come home."

Casandra looked down as she spoke, "Tyler, what is going on?"

He gulped with worry, "What.. What do you mean?"

"I know..."

Tyler was sweating bullets now, "Know what?"

Cassandra wanted to keep him guessing, "We will discuss it when I get home."

Tyler's voice shook, Okay, I'll see you soon. Love you."

"I love you too." Casandra pressed her eyes as she said it.

Olin remained quiet as he flexed his jaw. Cassandra collected her things and called for Sid and Brett. She then smiled and turned to Olin, "Thanks for the talk. I'll see ya around."

Olin reached into his pocket and handed her his card. "Call me if you need anything. I mean it."

She shyly took it and nodded, "I will. Thanks again."

Olin pursed his lips as he watched her leave with Sid and Brett. His heart sank when he realized her marriage could possibly be coming to an end. He thought he would be happy at the thought of having a relationship with her, but he felt the total opposite. He wanted her to be happy, even if it meant not having her.

"Tyler..? I'm home..!"
Tyler quickly turned the corner and pressed his lips on to Casandra's. She whimpered as she pushed him away, "No! We need to talk.."

Tyler's expression had worried guilt written all over it, "About what..?"

Casandra cocked a questionable brow at his expression, "Why have you been...?"

He just blurted his guilt out, "I want to fuck Vicki!"

Casandra's mouth slowly quivered open, "What..? What did.. you.." Her eyes started to fill with painful tears.. "I..."

Tyler's chest heaved as he pressed his hands to the top of his head, "Shit! I didn't mean.. Fuck... I'm so sorry.."

"Do you luuuvvv.. Love her?"

He rushed to her and cupped the side of her tear soaked cheeks, "No! No, I love you.."

Casandra shook her head in confusion, "I.. " She started to sob, "I don't understand.."

Tyler felt incredible guilt for hurting his sweet wife, but he told the truth, "I.. I want one last thrill before becoming a father.. I think I will be ready after.."

"You plan on sleeping with her?"

Tyler didn't answer. All he could do was stare at her hurt face. Casandra stepped away, "I don't want children with you. I don't even know you."

He pleaded with his eyes as he stepped to her, "Babe, please.. I luv.."

"Get out! I don't ever want to see you again!"

Tyler knew he was asking too much, but he had hoped she would try to understand. He didn't love Vicki, he just wanted to fuck her. The idea of becoming a father made him feel trapped. He was sure he would be ready after one more unusual thrill, but at what cost. He slowly made his way to the door and paused. He looked to her as she sobbed in her hands. There was no going back now. She knew the truth.

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