Chapter Fourteen

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"Hello Cassandra. I'm Dr. Ferris."

Cassandra wrinkled her brow as she looked down, "Hi."

"I'm glad you came to see me today. Would you like to talk?"

Cassandra nervously looked up to the older doctor, "I.. How do people start off usually?"

Dr Ferris sighed, "Well... How old are you?
Let's start there."


"24! That's a wonderful age! You're still young, but mature enough to know what you may want out of life."

Cassandra slightly scoffed, but apologized, "Sorry."

"Why did you scoff? What part of life are you uncertain about?"

"All of it. The man that was my husband, turned out to be something totally different. The other man I care about, is married.. I.."

"Let's go back to your husband. You said he turned out to be something he wasn't. Do you want to talk about it?"

Cassandra shivered as she looked down, "He hurt me, in more ways than one."

"How so?"

Cassandra's lip quivered, "He.." She looked up to the doctor, "Ripped out my heart.." She was now in a daze, "Then he tried to rape me."

Dr. Farris sighed, "I see. Does your other love interest know this? Are you ashamed of him knowing?"

Cassandra shyly looked to the Dr. "No, he doesn't know exactly what happened?"

"Are you afraid to tell him?"

Her eyes widened, "Of course. He would kill him."

Olin stood up as Cassandra exited the doctors office. Cassandra shyly smiled as the doctor patted her back, "You've already made progress today Cassandra, same time next week?"

Cassandra nodded and turned to a smiling Olin, "Ready to go?"

Cassandra tried to hide her fear, and nodded.
In the car Olin reached for her hand and kissed it as he drove. He did a double take at her blank expression, "What?"

She slowly blinked as though she was exhausted, "Where is Vicki?"

He sighed as he looked straight ahead, "At home."

Cassandra sighed and turned her expression straight ahead, "I see.."

Olin cocked a questionable brow, "What?"

"Take me home Olin."

"No! Not when that bastard has a key."

Cassandra leaned her head against the headrest, "I'll change the locks."

"Why won't you let me take you to our apartment? "

She slowly turned to him, "Our apartment?"

"I can't divorce Vicki right now, but I'm not going to live with her."

"Why won't she give you up?"

Olin sighed, "Money. That's all she cares about.


Olin grabbed her hand again and squeezed it, "Please let me take you there. I picked it out, just for you."

Cassandra rolled her eyes, "Okay, but I'm not promising that I'm staying."

He kissed her hand again and smiled, "Thank you."

"Hello Tyler. I'm glad to see you again."

"Hey Doc."

"So, did you enter a program like I suggested?"

He looked down with shame, "Yes."

"Why so sad?"

He shook as he cried, "I didn't know I had a problem. It happened so fast."

"It happens differently for everyone, but what is your next goal Tyler?"

"I don't know?"

"Are you going to reconcile with your wife?"

His eyes snapped to the doctor, "No! I couldn't ask her to do that! To put her through that."

"Do you still love her?"

Tyler sobbed, "Yes, that's why I'm setting her free."

The doctor gave a warm smile, "Tyler, that is very big of you to put her needs first. If you truly feel that it is over, then let's move forward by learning from it."

Tyler took a deep breath, "I just want to make her happy."

The doctor leaned forward and squeezed his hand, "That's good. Maybe in time she will forgive you and see you as a friend."

He sighed and nodded, "I could live with that."

"Just remember your program and take it day by day."



Cassandra was amazed by the large apartment. It had a industrial theme, with large open space. Olin tried his best to give her time and space, but having her all to himself was driving him crazy. Cassandra's breath shook as Olin leaned on top of her as they kissed on the couch. Her brow wrinkled as he kissed her neck. She pressed her eyes in emotional pain as she was thrown back into that night. "Olin..?"

Olin's lust was in the driver seat as his hand traveled up her dress as he continued to kiss her. Cassandra pressed her eyes tighter as she slightly pushed against him. She gasped as she felt him touch between her legs. Her eyes flew open as she screamed, "No! Stop!" She roughly shoved him off and heaved, trying to catch her breath.

Olin felt terrible as he thought the worst had happened to her, "Cassandra, please look at me." She turned her pained eyes to him, "Did... Did Tyler rape you?"

"No.." Olin sighed. "But he tried.." His eyes snapped open with murderous intent.

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