Episode 11 - POV

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Previously on Big Brother Teens, after Emma's eviction and a fast forward night that also sent Kyle home, the final eight competed in an HoH competition that tested their endurance. Heather won, and formed a final two with Talon, who is in the final four with her, Valerie, Tristen. Wanting to make a big move, Talon convinced her to nominate Valerie and Tristen, who were members of the final four who he said had a secret duo. Valerie and Tristen, however, were clueless, and pushed for Heather to nominate Harold and Michael. However, at the nomination ceremony, it was Valerie and Tristen who ended up on the block. Tonight, will an explosion change the dynamics of the house? And who will win the Power of Veto, and will they use it to save Valerie or Tristen? Find out now, on Big Brother Teens!

After the nomination ceremony, a fuming Valerie pulled Talon and Tristen into the cabana room. "I'm so pissed. Like, if I'm not HoH I'm on the block now? What the f**k?! We pulled her in when she had no one," she exclaimed. Tristen was equally pissed, and said, "We need to talk to her because this is ridiculous. I can't even with her." Valerie threw open the door and walked to Heather. "What's your f*****g problem?! Tristen, Talon, and I have been nothing but nice to you. We pulled you in when you were being targetted and we're the reason you're still here, but you nominate two of us?! I promise you on my life that I will make your life in this house a living hell. Enjoy b***h, you brought it on yourself," she screamed at Heather. Heather rolled her eyes and calmly said, "I'm not gonna spend my week worried about you. You are absolutely nothing to anyone in this house besides Tristen and Talon, so you can enjoy your time on the block, hope you're evicted. You're really insane." Valerie got in Heather's face and screamed, "Too bad I'm insane and coming for you! Enjoy your last couple weeks, because even if one of us three goes, you have two that will come after you, and we're proven beasts."

Heather: Oh, Valerie. Poor, sweet Valerie. If only you knew that Talon isn't gonna come after me. In fact, he was the one who told me to put you up. Poor child.

Marina, Harold, Michael, and Liam all took this time to meet with each other in the Have-Not room. "The four of us are the ones that aren't exploding. We need to keep it that way and look out for each other," Harold suggested. The other three agreed and they all shook each other's hands. After the fighting died down, they split up and went to different parts of the house. Marina and Heather were up in the HoH room.

Marina: So the alliance we just made basically suggested that I stay with Heather and become her BFF. So I will do that, and make sure that none of us are going up on the block, should the Veto get used.

They were sitting on the bed together and watching a movie that production allowed Heather to have. "I love this movie," Marina said to start a conversation. Heather agreed and said, "Yeah, it's so nice of production to let us have one item haha." Then Marina got to business. "It's so courageous of you to nominate those two! I totally would have done them or Talon with either," she said. Heather played along and said, "Yeah, for sure."

Heather: Marina told the that she would've nominated Talon, so I need to keep that in mind just in case someone uses the Veto. I don't want her coming after my final two.

Marina: Heather and I have been friends this whole game, so I know she isn't coming after me personally. I may need her to have a side final two if the three guys I'm with get too close.

Later that day came the time to pick players for the Veto competition. "Everyone please come to the living room, it's time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition!" Heather yelled. Everyone clapped and cheered as they sat in the living room. "Only six players will compete in the Veto competition. The HoH, the two nominees, and three people selected by random draw. As Head of Household, I will pick first," Heather explained. She pulled a chip out of her bag, and it had Harold's name on it. Next to pick was Valerie, and she got Houseguest's Choice, so she chose Talon. Tristen was last to pull, and the chip he got had Liam's name on it. "Big Brother will inform us when the competition is to begin. Good luck!" Heather said as everyone dispersed.

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