Writing Tips For Wattpad Authors

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1. Do not demand for people to read your stories! This includes spamming their profile wall, private messages, comments and, the most aggravating thing I've ever encountered on Wattpad, advertising your story on theirs! I don't know about you, but I purposely ignore and avoid people who do this.

2. Over think it. Yeah, shocking news on this one: DON'T DO IT. I have no clue what I was thinking when telling you guys to overthink your work. Just edit it, my awesome dudes <3

3. Create a plot before a story. I've ignored this too many times than I'd like to admit, and while some things may fall in to place as if magical story puzzle pieces, the story will sound choppy and sped through. Create the plot and work backward if you need-- start with the outline of the puzzle and work your way in.


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