Royal Ball

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Tai was looking at his reflection as he fixed up his tie. He was wearing a dark blue suit for Terra's Royal Ball party. Once he was done, he smiled at his reflection and grabbed his gift from his bed. He stepped into the livingroom where Kari was reading her magazine.

"Last chance Kari, are you sure you don't want to go?"

Ever since the dinner, Kari refused to listen to what Tai or her parent's have to say about Terra.

"Again, I wouldn't want to go to that lame party"

Agumon and Gatomon were at the apartment, Agumon was going to the party but he also had to wear a suite. Gatomon wanted to go but since Kari refused to go, she decided to stay to keep her partner company.

"Fine, Mom, Dad are you ready? The escort will be here any minute"

Tai yelled. Just then the door bell ring. Tai let out a sigh and shook his head.

"Scratch that, they're here"

Tai said as he went to open the door to reveal one of the guards.

"Are you ready to be escorted to the limousine?"


"Yes we're ready"

Ms. Kamiya said with her husband holding her hand like a gentlemen. The mom then look to Kari.

"Don't wait up"

She said as they followed the guard.

"I'll be sure to bring you some goody bags Gatomon"

Agumon said with a wave. Gatomon smiled and waved back as she closed the door.

*At The Ball*

After 30 minutes riding on the limousine, they finally arrived to Terra's home. It was a large mansion that looked like a size of a football stadium.

"Wow this place looks amazing"

Mr. Kamiya said amazed. One of the escort walked up to the group.

"Can I see your invitation"

Said an escort. Tai gave him the invitation and the escort nodded.

"Ah the Kamiya family. You must be Kamiya Tai"


"Please follow me. The Princess has been expecting you, please follow me"

Another escort went to the group.

"The guest are in the back. Please follow me"

Tai nodded as he followed the other escort while his family and partner go with the other. They entered a ball room, where everyone was wearing high class dress and suits.

"Are all these people rich?"

Agumon asked. Mr. Kamiya smiled and nodded.

"Yeah Tai said that there will be people who are rich and are also part of royalty"

"Ah. Oh look they have a chocolate fountain, can we go take a bite?"

Agumon asked.

"Sure I don't see why not?"

Mrs. Kamiya said. They made their way to the refreshment and was amazed by the different type of selection of fruits, tiny sandwiches, weenies covered with a bread, etc. As they began to eat, the speaker came on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to present to you the guest of honor Princess Terra Stone escorted by Tai Kamiya"

The lights dim and all eyes were on the spotlight on top of the stairs where Terra was wearing a lavender dress and has her arm wrapped around Tai's arm as they descended down the stairs slowly and gracefully. As they got to the bottom, a soft music began to play and Terra and Tai began to dance. After dancing and thanking the people that came by even though they're were some that weren't so pleasant, they met with Agumon and Mr and Mrs. Kamiya.

"Oh sweetheart, you look beautiful"

Mrs. Kamiya said proudly. Terra smiled.

"Thank you"

"When are we going to eat?"

Agumon asked. Tai scolded Agumon but Terra just laughs.

"Come on, you guys will be sitting with us"

Together they went to the hall room where all the people began to sit at their designated table. Terra's father stood up, clearing up his throat.

"I would like to thank each and everyone one of you for coming to this ball for to celebrate my daughter's 18th birthday and the fellow sitting by her side is her boyfriend which is by the way poor"

He said with a deep chuckle causing everyone else to laugh at Tai. Terra looked at her father with a glare.


She hissed. Tai sadly looked down at his plate and stood up. Terra sadly looked to Tai and followed him out to a garden, leaving Agumon and the Kamiya. Terra sadly looked to Tai.

"Tai I'm sorry for what my Dad did, I told him and my mom to behave but apparently it went out the other ear."

Tai then looked to Terra with a slight smile.

"I don't deserve you. After what happened between us, I could have sworn that nothing else will ever happen between us. You can have any other guy in this world...."

But Terra cupped his cheek cutting him off.

"But I choose you, your the only one for me. I don't care if your rich or poor because nothing can't compare to what you have"

"And what do I have?"

"You have a heart of courage, you're strong, brave, sweet and careing. You have everything I want in a guy"

Tai leaned his forehead on Terra's looking into her eyes.

"I'm sorry I walked out"

"Its fine, I was getting tired of looking at the rich snob. So are you going to be okay?"

She asked. Tai leaned his head down and captured Terra's lips in a loving passionate kiss that took her breathe away when he pulled away leaving her blushing causing him to smirk.

"Now I'm much better. Happy Birthday Terra"

"Thank you. Oh and thank you for that first dance, it really got the other guys jealous"

Tai chuckled.

"At long as they didn't flirt with you then we don't have a problem because after all you are my girl"

"You mean I'm your lady, I'm 18 now Tai"

"Right right"

"And you're my man"

She said as she gave him a light kiss on the lips. She then tugged his hand.

"Come on let's go eat, I'm starving"

"Hahaha how can a small person like you eat so much?"

"I don't know ask Agumon"

They both laugh as they made their way back to the dining hall.

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