Chapter 1

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Secrets. We think that they protect us and others, but in reality they don't. They end up hurting us more. They make us feel like we weren't good enough to know the truth. That the person who kept it from us doesn't really love us. That they are toying with us, using us as their own personal test dummy. But what if some secrets need to be kept?

                                                                                         Abby's POV

It was a Saturday night and, as usual, Brooklyn drags me out to a club. Brooklyn and I have been best friends since grade school and me and her moved to Korea to attend Seoul National University together. We both loved the Korean culture and learned Korean together just for fun in middle school. By our junior year in high school, we were fluent and had already been accepted into a few american colleges. In our senior year, Brooklyn and I applied for a scholarship for SNU and both got full ride scholarships. Ever since Brooklyn found this club, she has been dragging me out every weekend, hopping that I'd find someone special...but what she doesn't know is that I can't.  I don't get to chose who I love...or who loves me.

                                                                                        Brooklyn's POV

I rolls my eyes. "You have got to be kidding me. You probably look amazing!" Abby opens the door and walks out of the bathroom, in a new maroon dress and a matching set of heels. I love my best friend, but her self esteem is way too low. She is so beautiful, but doesn't ever wear anything that shows it off. That's why I got her the most revealing dress I could find at the mall. "I can't wear this out!" Abby said as she tried to tug the dress down a little. I smack her hand away. "Shut up. You are wearing it tonight and that is final. Now get to the car." I point to the door and Abby pouts and walks outside and into the car. I get in and start driving. "I don't understand why I have to wear this..." I look over to Abby and glare. she looks at me and sticks her tongue out. We giggle and I stop the car. "Alright, let's go." I get out and Abby does as well, but not before she lets out a large, dramatic sigh. I chuckle and grab her hand to lead her to the door. 

                                                                                     Abby's POV

The Club was a little more crowded than usual. It was filled with mostly girls and they were going crazy. Some were even crying. "What's up with every one?" I asked  Brooklyn as she lead me through the crowd. She turned to me, a big smile plastered on her face. "Well, It might have something to do with the fact that BTS is coming here tonight..." I choke on the air. " BTS?!?" She giggles and continues," Yes, BTS. They are coming here tonight so I expect you to be on your best behavior. Oh, and I got us VIP passes." As she said this, we walk up the stairs into to VIP section where a few girls  were hyperventilating  and trying to calm themselves down. When I enter, they look at me and Brook up and down. One girl turns back to her friends. " Ugh, more foreigners? I can't stand it when people try to steal our home. " After she said this she turned to look at us. In English she says," Oh, hi! Welcome !" Me and Brooklyn look at each other with annoyance. This was not the first time we have been in this situation. Many natives look down on us and speak badly of us thinking we don't understand what they are saying. It used to affect me, but now it just annoys me. I look at her in the eyes and say in Korean, " It's people like you that disgust me. You talk shit about me thinking I can't understand you, but then turn around and greet me as if I'm your friend. I suggest you don't talk to me anymore. Even your voice makes me sick." She looks at me in shock, her mouth open wide." I also suggest you close your mouth. You're catching flies." She closes her mouth and sits down, ashamed. Brooklyn pats my back. "Nice." I give her a light smile and turn away.  I know that my fangs are probably sticking out a little so I close my mouth. " Abby, be careful. Your fangs are out." I turn to Brooklyn and nod. The thing is, I am not  human. I am what people would call a Erinyes. I am supposed to be a destroyer of men. I am supposed to be vengeful and have hate towards the human race, but I don't...mainly because my mother didn't either. She left Greece and moved to America, where she met an man and she fell in love. It didn't take long for Zeus to get angry and curse their first born child...AKA me. My mom said that Zeus's curse made it so that no human could fall for me. Being on earth, made it hard for me to meet anyone who wasn't human...But I was never interested in the creatures that find interest in me. I told Brooklyn about what I was in freshman year of high school. She didn't care what I was, and I'm glad I have her. Since I'm only half Erinyes, I only change form when I'm angry. I never told Brooklyn about the curse, because she would search to the ends of the earth to find someone for me and I just want to live life without that worry. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear screams from the fan girls downstairs. Suddenly, seven very familiar faces appear at in the doorway, approaching the VIP section. BTS.

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