It took four whole hours of checking my notebooks, textbooks and novels and by the time I was done it was nearly lunch time. Honestly I don't know why I came to school so early today in the first place considering the only class I had-English was after lunch.

Finally deciding that I had gone through everything, I made my way to the cafeteria to grab a bite before I had to sit in English for the next hour.

The cafeteria was buzzing with students chatting away as they ate and I joined the line to buy my lunch before heading to the table that had now become all too familiar.

Instead of three people at the table, there were four. And that made me curious as to who it was as Jake and Kai were laughing at something while Nick scowled but I couldn't make out who the fourth person at the table was.

"Hey!" I said once I took a seat next to Nick and tossed my bag on the floor. "What's so funny?"

"Oh you're finally here," Asher said as he turned around to face me, "where have you been?"

"Oh lord what are you doing here?" I asked quizzically.

"To hang out with my best friend's new friends and boyfriend obviously," he said smiling.

Jake and Kai were still laughing as Nick continued scowling.

"What happened?" I asked turning to face Nick.

"Why don't you ask your dear best friend over here," he replied.

"Ash what did you do this time?"

Asher had a smug look on his face, "your boyfriend needs to learn that Superman is the best superhero of all time and Batman sucks," he replied with a shrug.

"That's why you look like someone who ate a sour lemon?" I asked Nick.

"Hey! Batman is a legend, he's just human and yet he does more than Superman whose weakness is the one thing found on his home planet, how pathetic," he said defensively.

Jake had tears streaming down his face while Kai was silently shaking with laughter. "You're both killing me," Jake said in between laughs.

"C'mon Alexis, back me up on this one," Asher said, "tell what's his face that Superman is the greatest."

I opened my water bottle and took a sip before taking a bite from my sandwich, "I'm not getting involved in your little fight," I replied after swallowing.

"What? Why not?" Asher asked bewildered.

"Because it's literally the most foolish thing to argue about," I replied casually. "Why not ask these two?" I asked pointing to the two guys who were laughing none stop.

"Sorry dude but I've got to side with my best friend on this one and say Batman," Kai replied as he patted Asher on the back.

"I'm still your best friend Nick but sorry, Superman can beat Batman anytime. anywhere," Jake pitched in.

"It's a tie so whose side are you on Alexis?" Asher asked hopefully.

I looked around me at the four guys and couldn't help but wonder how I had become such good friends with all of them and how I was able to tolerate their stupidity.

"Staying true to myself," I began, "I've got to go with the villains, because honestly who are superheroes without villains to fight? That's right, just a bunch of weirdos in tight-arse clothes and underwear outside their pants," I stated matter-of-factly. "Batman wouldn't be Batman without The Joker and Superman wouldn't be Superman without Lex Luthor."

All fours guys were staring at me as if I'd grown a second head but I continued talking nonetheless.

"The bad guys are what makes superheroes superheroes, so no I'm not choosing either one. I'm sticking with Thanos and The Joker, though Thanos isn't a villain if you really think about it."

"You wound me Alexis," Nick said placing a hand on his chest and feigning hurt, "I don't know who you are."

"And you never will."

Everyone agreed with him but I just shrugged and continued eating.

"You think you know someone until they choose Thanos over Superman," Asher said shaking his head. "I'm disappointed in you Alexis and I hope you know that?"

"That's what you get for getting me involved," I replied nonchalantly. "So get over it because one bullet to your precious Batman's head will kill him," I said to Nick and Kai, "and any slight contact with Kryptonite will make Superman ineffective, so you're welcome," I said to Asher and Jake.

The guys just shook their heads with scowls on their faces.

"I'm guessing you two are now friends," I said as I took the last bite of my sandwich and wiped my hands on a napkin.

"You could say something like that," Ash responded as he stole a chip from Nick's plate, "but if you so much as mess up I swear to you Henderson I will mess up your pretty little face."

The whole table fell silent. "You think I have a pretty face?" Nick asked as a smirk appeared on his face. "I mean I've been told but darn I didn't know you found me attractive."

"No! I-that's not what I meant," Asher quickly responded.

"I always knew he was your secret male crush and you just didn't want to admit it," I said and the guys laughed. "But sorry he is now taken, you had your chance and you blew it."

"That's not what I meant," Asher huffed as he threw his hands in the air exasperatedly.

"Sure," Nick replied sarcastically.

I stood up and patted Asher on the back, "behave and don't do anything stupid," I said, "and you," I said pointing to Nick, "don't fall for his tricks, he's just messing with you. Anyway I have English so I'll see you guys later."

Tossing my bag on my shoulder, I began walking away when Nick pulled me back and I fell on his lap as he quickly placed a kiss on my lips.

"Eww get a room," Asher said cringing, "And please don't do that where the best friend is."

I laughed at him, "says the guy who makes out nearly every time he's with his girlfriend," I spoke as I run a hand through Nick's hair. "Jake make sure these two get along will you?"

"Of course I will," Jake said beaming, "you both heard her so play nice or else."

Kai and Nick both burst out laughing, "and what will you do you big softie?" Kai asked.

Jake scowled, "don't call me that."

I shook my head with a laugh before waving them off and making my way to English.

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