It Has To Be Ok

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Note: I need to explain a bit.This story takes place on the surface. The monsters live in New New Home (good job Asgore) and the structure is very similar to the underground other than the weather. It is late December, after Christmas.

"What do you mean? He just ran away?", Papyrus grabbed Toriel by the shoulders. "I thought he had come back here with my child! I tried to keep up Papyrus, but he was too fast for me.", Papyrus went and sat on the couch, gesturing Toriel to come sit next to him. She refused. "We can't just sit around! My child is out there, sick! She could be anywhere! we have to find them!", Papyrus knew Toriel's worries and tried his best to reassure her. "Miss Toriel, I am sure that wherever they are they are safe. Sans is very smart. He would never take Frisk anywhere dangerous. Now please come and sit, you need to calm down.", This time she listened and took a seat next to the tall skeleton. "Are you sure we shouldn't go look for them?", Toriel asked, concern imminent in her voice. "They will be fine. I trust Sans.", Papyrus Patted Toriel's back and changed the topic back to Frisk. "Have you noticed anything off about the human lately?", The goat mother turned towards Papyrus. "Actually that's why I am here. Sans told me he would explain why the child looked so ill.", Toriel glared at Papyrus. "You did not feed her expired food again did you?", The skeleton's expression deepened when he realized that not only he, but even Frisk's mother had no clue about her suicidal intentions. "Um...Toriel...Frisk is...", Papyrus didn't know how to explain this. He didn't want to! "Miss Toriel...", He let out a sigh "Frisk is sick, but not in the traditional sense.", Papyrus looked away from Toriel as he prepared to tell her everything.


Toriel had to stop herself from crying. Her heart ached for her little Frisk. "No wonder she stays here so often...oh my child.", After Papyrus had finished he was almost shaking. It didn't take too long, about ten minutes. Papyrus himself didn't understand timelines as well as his brother, so he just gave a brief summary, but as brief as it was it still crushed Toriel. It was like her whole world was falling apart, how could she have been so blind. The spaghetti lover noticed the distress clear in the ex-queen's manurisms and pulled her onto him, gently petting her fur. They were both badly shaken by all of this, Toriel just more so since Papyrus had already dealt with this once today. She didn't even resist. She just let her body go limp. She was lost in thought. Toriel understood now why Sans had run from her, he didn't want to see her like this. Sans didn't want to be the one to tell her that her one and only child was depressed and that she tried to..... It wasn't just Frisk was it, It was Sans too! The way he acted around her... Did he not want her to know? Why wouldn't he or Frisk tell anyone, didn't they want help? Toriel got up and moved towards the door. Papyrus jumped at the sudden movement. "I have to go Papyrus!", Papyrus got up and reached out to the boss monster as she opened the door. "oh...hey tori.", There they were. Sans and the child slung over his shoulder.


After quite possibly the world's most confusing hug, Sans took Frisk to her room to rest. Toriel insisted on taking the child home but..."Are you sure?", The goat mother asked. "yes tor, for the third time. frisk is in good hands.", Toriel, accepting defeat, bid her goodbyes to the brothers and left the colorful house. The door closed, leaving the skeletons alone. "how much did ya tell her?", Papyrus looked to the side. "As much as I could.", Sans sighed. He should've just come home with Toriel instead of running into the woods like a child. Instead Papyrus had to tell her everything. "what about the timeline stuff. did ya get to it?",

"I did my best to explain, but I don't understand it very well.",

"what exactly did ya tell her?", Papyrus paused "paps?",

"I told her about Frisk's ability to reset and how she commandeered the timeline.", Sans looked down at his feet, sullen. "did ya tell her 'bout me?", Papyrus knelt down to face his big brother. "Of course not Sans. I know that you have to open up on your own. Unlike Frisk, you aren't a danger to yourself, and you've gotten so much better since we got up to the surface.", Sans let his head droop a bit. "yeah...", Papyrus firmly grabbed his brother's sides. "Do not look so down brother. Everything will turn out ok in the end, I just know it.", Sans smiled a little at Papyus's optimism. "I hope so...",

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Frisk tossed and turned in her sleep. "Don't worry Frisk. We will erase this world but not before I've had my fun.", the words rang loud over and over in her head. What were they planning? Did they want to kill again or did they want everyone to suffer? "Let us erase this pointless world and move on to the next.", Frisk's eyes shot open. She was in her room. She must have fallen asleep on the way back home. Frisk rubbed the sleep out her eyes and got off of the bed. She looked out of the window on the back wall of the room, it was nightime now. She looked over at her nightstand to see a new take out bag from Grillby's with a note taped to the front. It read "Hello dear human Frisk! It is I, The Great Papyrus! Sans told me he lost your food and even though there is no measure to how much I would love for you two to eat spaghetti with me I replaced it for you. I would give it to you right now but Sans said you need rest, so I will be here when you decide to wake! Love Papyrus", Frisk smiled. "Thankyou Papy.", She grabbed the bag and went for the door, hoping to go downstairs and watch TV with her burger. When she opened the door she half expected to see Sans awake, so she wasn't suprised when she saw that the TV was already on. Frisk walked downstairs with her bag of food and a smile on her face, but stopped when she saw it was Papyrus sitting on the couch. He was anxiously tapping his patellas and staring blankly at the television screen. The child made her way to the bottom of the stairs and looked at the screen, Papyrus didn't even notice. He was watching something like a documentary, there was a doctor on screen. It sounded like they were talking about-"Depression in young adults is very common and very serious.", Frisk heard the words buzz from the TV and immediatly scrambled to turn it off. When the screen turned black Papyrus looked up from his spot on the sofa. "F-Frisk?", The skeleton got up and walked into the kitchen while Frisk set her food on the table, next to Mr. Rockington. He turned the kitchen light on and got out a pot. "Papyrus...What are you doing?", He ran hot water into the pot untill it was full, then he placed it on the stove. "I am making you special "Friendship Spaghetti" to help you feel better. You have to feel better.", The human watched Papyrus run around the kitchen trying to find the proper ingrediants for his pasta. Frisk remembered him acting like this around the time they were moving up to the surface, but she couldn't figure out why. She assumed it was just his way of getting used to his new surroundings, but now she didn't know. Frisk took a look at the clock on the stove. 1:45, it was definitly A.M. The usually jovial monster still raced around the small room, muttering to himself. "It will be ok. It will be ok. Things have to be ok. Sans is getting better, that means the human will get better. I will make her better-no. Both of them better!", Papyrus stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a choked sob from behind him. Frisk was shaking, was she scared? "Oh my god. I am frightening you aren't I?", The skeleton rushedc over and scooped the human up in his arms. "I am so sorry human. I just want you and Sans to be happy, but it seems my ignorance has only made things worse.", Papyrus hugged Frisk tightly. She was so small...How could someone so small have so much going on inside her head. "I promise I will help you. Just tell me what you need.", Papyrus focused on Frisk. He held the child firmly, her body jerking from the violent sobs that were now forcing their way through her throat. "I-I..need", she started but couldn't continue. She thought about saying "I need you to stop worrying about me.", and "I need to get rid of Chara.", but she couldn't make the words. All Frisk could manage was "N-no spaghetti.", and even that was incoherent. To Papyrus it just sounded like jibberish. "Human? Frisk? You need to stay calm. I cannot understand you.", Suddenly there was an ungodly scream coming from Sans' room, followed by an explosion of blue magic from upstairs. Papyrus thought he heard someone say "Have fun~",

END NOTE: This took me 2 months to friggin' get done! I lost all motivation I had for this so I wouldn't expect anything new for awhile. I hope you enjoyed. Please leave your criticism in the notes so I know what I need to improve on, I'm always open to suggestions so don't be afraid to absolutely wreck me with insults. :D

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