Not Your Fault

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Sans woke up in a cold sweat. He quickly grabbed at his chest, feeling for any cuts. It didn't take long for him to realize there was nothing there. It wasn't the first time this had happened, ever since Sans and the others got up to the surface he had been getting these nightmares. Nightmares...more like flashbacks. Once he had calmed himself down Sans checked his phone. It was 2:32 am.  There was a text from Papyrus. "Sans I am staying with Undyne and Alphys for the night. The weather has gotten pretty bad and they do not think it would be safe for me to drive. I will be home as soon as possible tomorrow! I LOVE YOU!!!!", Sans let out a sigh. "love you too paps", He mumbled to himself. The pun lover put his phone down and got out of bed, his second instinct being to get a glass of water. Sans opened and closed his door quietly as to not wake up the small child that slept in the room next to his. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he heard a noise coming from the kitchen, a drawer opening and something was pulled out of it. Sans quietly teleported to the other end of the living room and peered through the entrance to the kitchen. He saw Frisk...she was supposed to be asleep. In her hand Sans saw a butcher knife. "what is she doing with that!? ", He thought as he stared at her. Frisk examined the knife her hand. Sans was scared, what if they started killing again, he didn't want a repeat of that  run. His fears were suddenly replaced with new ones when he saw the child holding the weapon in front her chest, ready to pierce herself with it. Frisk pulled the knife toward her and as soon as she did Sans' magic took effect. The room dark except for the soft glow of magic surrounding Frisk's soul and the knife she held in her hands. It was close...very close, if Sans hadn't been there to stop-no he couldn't think like that. Frisk needed him right now! "*hic *sob sa-SAAaaAaAns", tears were now pouring down Frisk's face like a waterfall and Sans immediately let his magic dissipate, leaving his troubled friend to drop the knife that almost pierced her chest and fall to her knees. "Frisk!", the short skeleton knelt down in front of Frisk and pulled her into a tight embrace. "s-saaaaans! *gasp", what did she almost do to herself? "shh shhhhh", Sans continued to hug the trembling child while rubbing small circles on her back. "what happened...why were you tryin' to...", at that point Frisk started choking "*COUGH *wheeze *gasp",

"breath kiddo"

"I-I *cough * cough", Sans started patting Frisk's back, trying to help with the choking. "c'mon kid", Frisk managed to stop coughing and took in a shaky breath. "that's it-thaaat's it...", on the inside he was panicking. Why did he have to come to the kitchen to see this, why would Frisk try to stab herself. "hey kiddo..why didn't you tell us you weren't feelin' ok",

"*sniff", Frisk had finally stopped crying. "I d-didn't want anyone to worry about me.",

"heh...I know the feeling. But you're in here tryin' to kill yourself! you have to tell people when you're hurtin' Frisk, ya can't bottle it up like ya been doin' ", Sans let go of Frisk and looked her in the eyes, which were now reddish and puffy from all the crying. "kid. talk to me.",

"But I-"

"I know but look where that's gotten you so far buddy.", Frisk stared at the knife that now sat next to her. "c'mon kid...tell me what's goin' on.", Frisk wanted to tell him but she also didn't want to hurt him... she didn't want to hurt him. If she told him why she was feeling this way he might never forgive her...but maybe, just maybe he would understand. "Sans.", Frisk spoke up. "I don't deserve to live.",

"WHAT!?  ", Sans was taken aback, why did Frisk think that she of all people was unworthy of life! "kiddo! hun! what are you talkin' about!? you're a hero!you freed us all without hurting anyone. we're up here cause of your mercy and kindness.",

"I wasn't always kind Sans...", Frisk's head drooped, she looked at the knife then back at her friend. "I killed all of you once.",

"o-oh my god. remember? you've never mentioned previous resets before-I just assumed that you didn't-"

"How did you think I knew about the reset button?", Sans put his head in his hands. That was kinda dumb of him. "I was just curious! I didn't want to but I had to see what would happen! I didn't know! I didn't know! Frisk was yelling at Sans, when he heard her start to cry again he pulled her back into a hug. (tighter this time) A memory then flashed into Sans' mind.

The child moved fast, dodging the majority of Sans' attacks. By this point she had learned his patterns and had been avoiding them more easily. "well, here goes nothing... are you ready? survive THIS and i'll show you my special attack!", Sans was getting exhausted and that THING knew it. She dodged every attack almost perfectly, Sans had to think of something quick or he would be boned. "huff...huff alright that's it. it's time for my special attack. are you ready? here goes nothing.", suddenly the girl was trapped inside a cage made out of blue bones, she mumbled something but Sans wasn't able to make it out. He thought maybe she'd give up but no... she just stood there with a terrifying grin on her face. Sans knew- he just knew that this wasn't the same kid that set them free all those resets ago. THAT kid wouldn't hurt a fly. No, THIS kid was different, THIS kid wanted total destruction and they were determined to get it! Sans fell asleep and not long after he awoke to find the demon child lunging forward, knife seemingly glowing. He was able to move out of the way just in time. "heh. did you really think you would be able to-", *SLASH

"kid. Frisk... that wasn't you, I know it wasn't you.",

"B-but it w-was! *hic I could've stopped but I j-just kept going! I tried to go back! I tried to fix it but Chara forced me to keep going! I DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!!" Frisk broke out of Sans' grip and grabbed the sides of her head. "who's Chara?",  Sans thought while he watched in horror as his friend broke down front of him. He didn't know what to do. He wished Papyrus was there with him. Frisk could really use his high spirits right about now. "I CAN'T SAVE UP HERE! KILL ME! JUST KILL ME!!!", the girl continued to cry uncontrollably. "pl-e-ase *sob", Sans' eyesockets went dark. "kid i-i'm not gonna kill ya.", he put a bony hand on Frisk's shoulder and she froze. The light returned to Sans' eyes and Frisk buried herself in the skeleton's ribcage pretty much soaking his shirt in tears. "why did I do it", she said still crying. Sans didn't respond, instead he focused on comforting the child. "i'm sorry-m s-sorry",

"it's ok"

"I'm a h-horrible perso-on."

"no you're not Frisk.", the two stayed like that for awhile. When Frisk fell asleep Sans carried her back to her room and tucked into bed. Sans checked his phone again. 3:22 am "been bout an hour since I got up.", He looked back at Frisk. Who was Chara? Frisk had mentioned that name several times while he was calming her down. "*sigh", he decided that all that mattered right now was sleep, not mysterious names, those could wait. Sans didn't want to leave Frisk alone so he settled into her bed. " how are we gonna explain all this to paps tomorrow huh? heh heh.", Sans asked the sleeping Frisk before he closed his eyes and let himself go back to sleep.

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