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I looked outside from my window.i could hear dogs barking(more like howling) outside.i looked at the time in the bottom right of my laptop's screen- "3.56am".somedays I feel like I can break the world record for sleeping for the longest time(which is 11 days currently) while some days I feel like I have forgotten what sleeping feels like.this was one of those days,or nights,well forget it.

I could feel my eyes straining.i was in one of the most impractical situations,I had athletics practice in two hours and I had'nt even slept for a minute.i had tried to-first I put on some music,that just got me all the more energetic and stole away even the tiniest trace of sleepiness I had felt,then I did some push ups since I felt it would make me tired leading me to sleep(my bio book said so),that just ended up making me more pumped up,then I took my pants off thinking I would be more comfortable,but then after that I had this fear lurking in the back of my mind that what if someone comes to wake me up in the morning to see me like that,so I dropped the idea,i tried everything,even searched the net for "how to fall asleep"-

567384 results in 3 seconds

Scientist have discovered the 4-7-8 method-

Draw in your breath for 4 seconds,hod it for 7 seconds and then release it for 8 seconds.

It partially worked,then I did it,opened YouTube(30 minutes of 4-7-8 ruined!).MayBaby,Lele Pons,Hannah Stocking,Macerly,BrentRivera,Alisha Marie,Kaylyn Nicholsan,and then MayBaby again.another hour passed.then it struck me-what he had said.i had been ignoring it for so long,but it always tugged at the back of my head-"Mia,maybe he was right,you are not limited to this town,you have big things ahead of you." Then another voice would say-"your cat just passed away,be like other teens,cry and regret so those Pinterest quotes on depression will finally make finally have a chance to shed tears for an actual catastrophe." Another voice would then drown both the voices"Mia Parker,since when did you become strong and move on.don't be such a crybaby,you are not the typical teenage weepbag"is weepbag a word?the I googled "what does weepbag mean"I discovered that I had just created a word-weepbag!

*1 more hour wasted*

And so,here I was,screen glaring at me,me glaring back.two hours to athletic training,unable to sort things out.When I finally decided to do it.

I clicked "My account" in the right

"Create New Channel"

Name-Eleanor Parker (I have no clue why I did not put my original name 'Mia Parker' in,maybe because 'Eleanor' sounds fancier)

Tags:#singing#covers#newcomer#vocals#unnoficialcoverartist+6 more

then I clicked Finish.

I went to my library and selected a video of me singing the song "Copycat "by Billie Eilish I had shot randomly a few weeks back.

I added the details:

Title:Cover Of COPYCAT,Billie Eilish by Eleanor Parker

Description:hey internet!i am a new-comer,a 15 year old who just dared to put this I hope you like my cover!Don't forget to comment below!

Then I clicked the button that changed my life forever,never to be the same again-

I clicked "Upload".


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