Are you for real?

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I took the paper and walked up to my room. I was still thinking about who could have written the note. I heard some shuffling downstairs. I stopped in my tracks to my room which was upstairs. I walked down, but I didn't see anyone. I went to the kitchen, dining room, living room, and even to the game room, but no luck. I went out to our swimming pool but no one in sight. I sighed and sat down on the stairs which led outside to the pool. Is my mind playing games with me?

 I still heard shuffling far behind.

I got up and finally noticed that the window in the living room near the main door was open. I peeked out and searched as far as my eyes could go for the one who threw me the letter. I could at least thank the person for he left me the sweet note which did make me smile and certainly made me curious. You might think it was creepy, but to me, it was not. Still...That doesn't mean that I'm like really happy about the note and also I needed to find the person. After shoving off my Sherlock attitude, I went up to my room and quickly freshened up. I wore my dark green t-shirt and a pair of Marvel trousers which my brother had got me a long time ago... Well, before we lost contact with him. I have missed him so much since then. It just hurt to think about how I lost my parents and my brother. It even hurts to think whether he is alive or not.

My phone suddenly rang up. Caller ID read Chris Roberts.

Chris greeted me, 'Hello?'

'Hey. What's up?'

'Nothing. Just wanted to talk since we couldn't get to talk the whole day. So, start spilling.'

I told him about the History class and he was also surprised a bit at Louis' change in behaviour this morning.

Chris then added, 'Hey, would you like to come over for a movie tonight? How about at 7? Tom is also coming.'

'That doesn't sound bad. The last time I remember is you snoring in your sleep when I went to watch The Age of Ultron at your place. Man, you slept throughout the movie!'

'Shut up! That's an old memory though. Well, see you tonight  then. Bye.'


It was 12 pm. Day wasn't going to fly by because I have got nothing to do. I also don't get to go to my job at Starbucks until the summer vacation. I always worked there during summers. I plopped down on my bed and started to read my Norse Mythology book. The book always fascinated me; taking me to the Nine Realms, driving me through Loki's past, how Thor always managed to survive the hardships and taught Loki a lesson for his every mischief, etc. As I kept on reading, my eyelids became heavy and the darkness of sleep conquered me, dropping my book on my face.

Ahhhh... It was a good sleep. I stretched my hands, kept my book aside and stumbled towards my dresser. I didn't change. I just took my black hoodie and put on my black jeans. I braided my hair into a messy casual braid and wore my Converse. I took my phone and glanced at the time. It was 6:30 pm. Well, I slept through my selective napping, which turned out to make me feel really good for no reason. I shoved my phone in my pocket and then locked the house and started off for Chris' house. After 10 minutes, I knocked on the door. Chris welcomed me inside and I took a sit on his couch gracefully.

The Roberts were out of town for a week and Tom was staying with Chris in the meantime. We were talking until we were interrupted by the doorbell.

Tom strode in,'Missed me?'


Me and Chris laughed. As Tom slid in his luggage with a sad pout on his face, Chris put on the movie and brought in the popcorn. After mocking around, we gathered for the movie. I sat on the floor, leaning against the couch between Tom and Chris as they sat on the warm couch. 

After the three-hour movie ended, we played games and had a pillow fight for about an hour. After we were tired, I bid my farewell to my friends and trudged towards my home.

I took out the keys and tried to insert them in the keyhole. The keyhole seemed to have disappeared. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. The door was already open. I slowly walked in, shouting if someone was home. No one answered. I turned on all the lights and trudged upstairs to my room. Nobody was there. I could hear noise coming from my brother's room next door. I opened the door slowly as my heartbeat paced. I turned the doorknob and the door slid open.

I saw a tall man-like figure sitting on my brother's bed. He was wearing a smooth black and green suit with tall black boots or something. Besides him rested a golden horn helmet. It shined like real gold. There was a wand, more like a sceptre that belonged to Loki Laufeyson. I walked in, astonished seeing the young man read my Norse Mythology book. My eyes fell on the young attractive man, now that I was standing just beside him. I almost forgot about everything. I couldn't just take my eyes off of such a beauty. The man was so busy in reading the book that he didn't feel my presence. His long black locks laid on his shoulders. His eyes still glued to the book. 

I bent against the wall, admiring him. He almost looked like the God of Mischief, Loki himself. He finally glanced towards the door and saw me. He strode towards me and I stood straight.

'Hello, darling.' 

God! His accent was British and attractive.

He again said,'I'm Loki.'

'And you are burdened with glorious purpose.'

'Yes.' He smiled.

'No, really, who are you?'

'I'm Loki.'

'What?' I smiled. I thought he was just messing around. 'You are a cosplayer of Loki, I know. But who are you actually?'

He seemed upset because of my statement. His green eyes scanned me from head to toe. He walked towards me and I looked into his mesmerizing green eyes.

'I'm Loki, Prince of Asgard... Odinson... The rightful king of Jotunheim, God of Mischief... Or as you might want to hear it, I'm Thor's brother.'

I was surprised at his response. Odinson? Thor's brother?

'C-c-can you prove that you are Loki?'

He seemed pleased and grinned, 'Why not, darling?'

He took his sceptre and touched the closed window and created a portal which showed my favourite place where I liked to be alone.

'Are you for real?'  I asked softly. I was actually surprised to see Loki, especially in my house! Oh God! I was too nervous to say anything to him at the moment.

'Yes, I am, love.' He smirked.

He put on his golden helmet and took my hand and we together stepped in through the portal to a whole new place, lit under the dark starry night.

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