Who wrote this?

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Tony's P.O.V.

After what seemed like ages, History class finally had come to an end. But it was quite strange because Louis was minding his own business finally and hadn't tortured me in class today. I wonder why. Why should I care anyways? I was all good and History class seemed great. Maybe the day wouldn't be so bad after all.

One devil down, two more to go. If you got no clue, then let me clarify; I still had classes with Niall Horan and Zayn Malik for the day-

"Good morning, Westshore High. May I have your attention, please? Well, it's good news though, because the Westshore Wolves have made it to the final play-off of the State Baseball Championship! So, you get to leave early today, in fact now, because the match will be held in our school tomorrow. We have to make preparations for the day, and yes, school will be closed tomorrow. Those who want to come to see the match, are most welcome! Thank you!"

The speaker box stopped booming.

Well, today is blessed after all! No more classes!

Tom and I walked out of the classroom together. We were just talking about the Infinity War theories until Chris popped out from his locker. After we had gathered our stuff from our respective lockers, we stepped out of the school.

Chris first drove me home, and then Tom. Tom and Chris were neighbours, that's why.

After bidding my friends goodbye, I walked towards my house. I unlocked the lacquered door and took off my Converse. I threw my bag on the couch and was about to go to my room and change until I suddenly felt something touching my right foot. I bent down to pick up the folded paper.


I turned the paper upside down, but no clue of the sender. I looked out the windows and searched throughout the house and even searched outside for the person who had left me the anonymous letter, but nothing.

Who could have written this letter?

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