Malec after 3x10👬

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Alec POV
As I wake up I see Magnus laying beside me. "You're awake", he said.
Suddenly I feel a pain in my chest and in my right arm."What happened?", I asked as I slowly sat up from the infirmary bed." Careful.",he said." The owl stabbed you in the chest with an arrow and snapped your right hand","I brought you to the institute infirmary and Catarina came and healed you",he informed me."Thank you Magnus", I spoke. Magnus spoke in a soft voice,"You're welcome, but you should be thanking Catarina instead". When he told me that, there were many questions running through my mind.
Magnus POV
I saw the confusion on my dear Alexander's face. I sighed quietly knowing I would have to tell Alec the truth. But I now he might blame himself for what I am about to tell him."To save Jace I had to make a deal with Asmodeus"."What deal did you make with him?",Alexander asked."By saving Jace from Lilith,in return i had to give up my magic".
Alec POV
Hearing what Magnus told made me feel guilty. It made me feel like it is my fault that he lost his magic. He gave up a part of him just to save Jace.Magnus noticed the look on my face. He put his hand on my cheek and spoke to me."It isn't your fault,Alexander,it was my decision",he said."But you shouldn't have had to give a part of yourself up", I told him."It was that or stay in Edom with my father",he told me,"And I don't want to be without you"."I will do anything to get your magic back Magnus,i swear, I promised him."I know you would Alec,I know you would",he spoke,"You always do what you have to so you can make things right". I looked him in the eye and told him,"I want you to know Magnus that I love you,with or without magic","And you will always be magical to me".
Magnus POV
Hearing what Alexander said made me smile. Those words made me feel loved.I moved slowly to sit on his lap. He put his hands around my waist. He always has a way with words."No one's ever said that to me before ever, so thank you Alexander". "Well those other people are stupid to not tell you that",he told me."Alexander seeing you laying there and not having my magic,it broke my heart","I couldn't do anything to save you".Alec looked me in the eye,"Hey, you got me to Catarina and she healed me because of you". Alexander put his hands up to me and cupped my face."It's not your fault, you were trying to save Jace",he said,"But I'm still here and I told you once that I'm not going anywhere,and I mean it". I thought about what to say next and knew it was right."I want you to move in with me and even tho I said before I wasn't ready". Alec had to ask me to make sure."Are you sure, I can still wait, I know it was sudden when I asked",Alec told me,"I don't want you to feel like we have to move quickly into this". I smile a little because he is so caring and listened to what I told him the first time he asked me. "I want to be closer to you and I don't want to lose you", I tell him."I want to wake up to you,eat breakfast with you before you go to the institute".I saw Alec smile," Yes I will move in with you Magnus".
Both Alec and Magnus were smiling and nothing could ruin their moment. Unless someone decide to walk into the infirmary. Alec leaned in slowly, with his left hand around Magnus's waist, and put his lips on Magnus's. Magnus moved closer and kissed Alec with more passion. He slowly put one arm around Alec's neck and one in his hair. As their lips moved in perfect harmony Alec moved his hands slowly down Magnus's back down to his ass. Magnus pulled away and spoke,"As much as i am enjoying this moment darling, we wouldn't want your siblings or fellow shadowhunters walking in on us". Alec sighed knowing Magnus was right."I know, if my siblings walked in on us they wouldn't let it go,especially Izzy". Magnus moved off Alec's lap to lay beside him. He put his hand out,"I love you Alexander Lightwood". Alec linked his hand with Magnus's and spoke,"I love you too,Magnus Bane".

This is my first time writing a one shot so I hope you like it. Would you want to see more one shots? Leave a comment.

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