He smiles thinking to himself like a goof ball she doesn't even know I'm here, wait till she finds out. Wait should I scare her or hug her from the back hmm I'll do both


but to his surprise he sees you with someone familiar. "Waaaait what the jam.... who she with... IS THAT!!!"

He whispers as he internally breaks down looking jungshook, jaw dropping and eye brows bent as he becomes heart broken.

He angrily leans on the wall at the far back of the room. He scrapes his soft hair back "What she doing with her....!!!... is that really her?
OH MY Gaaaawwwd" he looks extremely disappointed. Suga puts his hands in his pockets and glares darkly across to you laughing loudly from the back end of the room.

"AAAIIISSSHH this girl" he bangs the wall with his fist. His mood completely fades to the dark side, tiring his body, he's saddened as he feels torn apart with you making a friendship bond with his ex girlfriend.

He watches your movement in frustration as you don't reply to his messages as you continue to chat with nf. You are all unknown of your surroundings that Suga is even here, he's not in your sight reach. You pick up the phone and reply back to him.

Y/N: HEYYY sorry for late reply was doing work and am with my friend. YEYYYYY UR ALWAYS SURPRISING ME I LOVE YOU ❤️

Suga thinks well at least she's not lying, and she's with her... my ex... gf!! Like what... how did that happen. If only I knew that y/n was with that freak!!! UUUGGGHH.

The soft words from you "I love you".... uuuuuh Y/N how ... just how his heart crushes. He walks away not even answering back to your reply of excitement, he's so heart broken. He goes out of the room, standing outside thinking to himself negatively.

(Listen to mic drop remix)

Then you leave to go toilet... you don't see him as you go straight to the other entrance. You are so close to him yet so far away. You come back and start working. Nf tells you "okay I'm going I'll be back soon"

She goes out smiling evilly walking in the silent empty corridor. She doesn't notice Suga standing outside. She rings someone up telling them "done what I needed to"

Suga hides in the corner secretly, hearing her leak her evil doings indirectly, even though that's all she says it is still enough to trigger him to know something's up.

She walks off.

He messages Jin
S: Jin Yo! quickly check on nf right now!
😎 Jin: wait what she's back... what's going on
S: just do what I said!!! I'll tell you later. She's in school rn... follow her when she exits the ... building.
😎Jin: uuuughhh we just came back and now this
S: dude you need a smack
😎Jin: calm down I'll do it.
He drives back to school to follow her.

Suga comes in the room stomping heavily into the room. Stands in front of you in his long coat looking like a charming model

He looks at you so roughly dropping his arms down on the table glaring at you strictly making a scene. You widen your expression in happiness about to explode.

You hug him straight away

"SUUUUUGAAAAAAAAA you're here!!! Omg is that the surprise"

you sound so happy but he turns you down sliding your arms off of him. This action of Suga makes you completely puzzled. You look jungshook "what's wrong? You're not happy?"

he sighs heavily then licks his lips and rolls his eyes. He rubs his forehead not knowing where to start.

You tell him to sit down... seeing how unhappy he looks after all that build of excitement and this sudden change, what just tuned him into an angry hot looking man.

He tells you clearly "sweeti" then he raises his voice trying to stay calm. "What's that girl's name you are always with!!!???"

You answer intimidated "er er she..her name is nf/n"

he tells you the breaking news, you gulp "she's my ex girlfriend..." "WHAT THE JAM" you shout. Everyone looks back at you like zombies.

he raises his eyebrows, concerned of what is to come. He looks sharply at the rest of the people then quickly turns back to you.

He holds your shoulders gently telling you "come on let's get out of here first then I'll explain"

you pack your things and take your belongings, wear your jacket and swing your bag on to your back. You move out, following his steps walking behind him closely in silence looking down. He walks into the corridor.

You have lava of mixed feelings of confusion and anger burning in your mind what is going on, I was supposed to do the favor and meet her but this came along itself, total wrong timing. What disaster awaits to strike, you become scared.

You walk out of building realizing the sky turns into the darker shade of blue, portraying Suga's feelings.

You stop Suga holding onto his arm demanding "what's going on? .... tell me now" you pause, he responds holding onto your hand pulling you along "not here"

you grip onto his hand and follow in silence. He takes you in the alleys. You look around "woooo where are we, I've never been here" he sits down on the ground crossing his legs over.

He looks up at you who is inhaling the view of the shrinking alley way.

You look at him and see him sitting down, he taps on the ground directing you.

so you slide down against the wall with your legs bent and sit down.

You look at him, who was looking ahead then tilts his head to face you.

You sit right besides him comforting him.

You break the emptiness between you two "wait I thought you were going to meet me on Sunday?"

You speak quietly... He speaks solidly breaking down each word "I was but I wanted to surprise you and ...." "uuuuugg" he sighs looking back down covering his eyes, rubbing his forehead.

" y/n she was my ex gf...." you wait in silence for him to speak on, but you realize by his tone, his body language, his way of speaking he didn't want to say much. So you said more to start him off. "I don't get it, how did she..?"

you raise your hands up in confusion then continue "how did she even get to me... she seems so nice"

he hushes you looking at you in depth "don't say anything nice about that filthy slimy slug" he says in a rush exploding.

You held in your laugh. after hearing him say that..sounds funny.

He asks you turning over switching sitting position, toppling his legs over yours. You look down at your legs "oh okay then... I won't"

he tells you calmly "I didn't know she was gonna make the move first and target you when I planned to get rid of her first uuuuughhhh this is not what I expected"

he pauses looking down "what did she tell you, something wrong is going to happen.." After he explains to you his side of the story which Jin already told you, but the way Suga tells you himself it's something else, he explains with his emotions bursting in anger, grief and pain. He tells you parts you don't even know.

Trust me Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ