Parteu 16

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You get happy that you're at least able to chat to him through text now that he is gonna be away for quite some time. You go downstairs to see your parents. They are asleep so you nibble into food quietly like a rat trying to not get caught. You escape back upstairs successfully and fall asleep somehow.

The next few day you study well and talk to your friend of course, you usually need her help anyway, even when you want to do it yourself, the work was not easy, so you must ask her. You're usually stuck to your phone, secretly chatting to Suga at times.

Lucky enough you haven't got caught, having to close notifications. It was also emotional that Jin was gone too, at least his silliness would amuse you but even he is gone with Suga too. You feel bored more often now that Suga isn't around to tease you and play with you or even make fun of you, it was still fun. You sigh recalling moments running around, laughing and sticking close to each other with Jin coming in between, it was funny.

But now it was more work and stress, you hate this one sided sad drama. Suga tells you he's coming soon next week. Every day he does a count down on chat, making it more exciting for his arrival.

Your family was getting better too, probably dad's nice friend taught him a lesson, you don't bother inquiring, they just come fewer times now, which is more peaceful and less back killing. 

It was only a few days into the first week of his absence. You go to the library and your heart aches as you walk in and you start to panick. You tap the side of your pockets "OH JAM WHERES MY ID CARD OH CRAP I always put it in my pockets" you search your bag.

You swear any second you're gonna start crying if you can't find, you don't want to take another pic nor do u want to pay for another card "plz no don't" you search your jeans pockets.

Everyone surely knew something is wrong with you by the state of how lost you look but they just walk past and give you the odd looks

Suddenly someone taps your shoulder "hey erm is this urs?" You look back to see a pretty, taller than you, young looking but probably older girl with long black hair, smile at you.

Your heart starts beating again "oh my god!!! You're a life saver! Thank you so much seriously..." you are so thankful it was unbelievable!! "Thank u so much" she smiles laughing at you continuously "it's ok, I know it happens sometimes".

You leave her going your own way and go the book section, probably the first time. Even though you hate it, you have to since you must look for books, it is bothering and a slow process. you are still very thankful thinking about how lucky you are.

You take forever searching. You complain in frustration not being able to find the right one "aaaaah god" while you bend down taking book out of the shelf, you give one glance to the side to see someone, oh it's the same girl walking in your direction . She questions you "want help?"

You tell her lifting your head up nearly falling back "huh Uh nah I think I'm fine" you give a questioning jungkook shook look at her, hoping she'll ask again because you actually do. She bends down "I'll help you, what do you need?" You feel weird but thankful of course "oh well I uh... am looking for ...what was it ? Aah yes book on (international playboy ;) international business". She gets up and tells you "you're looking in the wrong section" you respond "oh .. am I?"

"come with me" you get up and follow her quickly "thanks a lot again" she smiles hardly moving any muscles on her face "it's alright, by the way my name is nf/n (new friend name)" (lol I'm so extra + ordinary can't even b bothered to think of a name) she walks into another book shelf "my name is Y/N nice to meet you" she grins without you noticing.

She doesn't look at you the whole time, instead looks out for the book reading the labels on the book. You disturb her "well I'm studying intentional business, what about you?" She looks at you slipping the book out of its spot "here this is the one, come I know a good place to study"

Trust me Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora