Parteu 9

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Suddenly an idea pops in your head, out of the box.

Yes maybe she's gone to my aunts house. Please aaaaaah be there....  you knock on your aunts house, she opens thankfully.

You contain all your dark worries hidden, clearing the worries off your face trying to not trigger suspicion.

Y/n: "hello how you doing?"

She smiles then asks you "is there something you want to tell me about?"

you thought to yourself does that mean she knows... or what if she's wondering why I came randomly.

You laugh fake "oh nothing... erm have you seen mum... I mean did she come to you just wondering because she isn't picking up"

your aunt responds calmly "she left quite long ago, must have been 30mins by now" you hold in the burst that explodes in your heart.

You ask her back hesitantly "oh okay... wait did she tell you where she's going?" You were of course curious! And clueless as a jamming fish JFSJFNRK

She responds quickly "yeah she's gone to the shop, do you want me to call her?"

you remember to ask her something ignoring her question "aunt what did she say to you?"

You sounded so stupid asking that... like why would she tell you, but you had to know. She looks at you shocked.

You not caring about how bothering you sounded right now you just have to know everything.

She responds after giving you a dead look "she told me you were gone out and she was worried... your mum looked very upset... she was telling me she just wants your dad to stop being an idiot.. oh sorry shouldn't say that... and yeah... wait Y/N is something wrong?"

You didn't know if you should answer her right now. You told her "nah I just came to get some food... dad said I'm supposed to get some food"

she shrugs her shoulders "no I haven't been told"

you smile making up for the lie "oh my bad I thought uuuuggghhh ok see you later then".

You leave shutting the door. You blow heavy air in and out relaxing yourself... but nows not the right time.

You gain back the restless body movement... ok 30mins... shop... I must have taken roughly 10mins.

So, ok I need to figure this out UUUUUUUGGGHHHH MY MIND ISNT EVEN WORKING ... calm down... you start crying.

You make one of your weird expressions that could not be described looking more like a mixture of feeling sick and confused and lost.

You plan in your head as you walk fast. you get to the shop your aunt was talking about.

She was nowhere... probably looked like a robber but you couldn't care less at this state. Ok that was like 10mins... where did she go in the rest of the 20mins you wondered around thinking.

Oh yes the park ... maybe she needs some air NOT LIKE THIS WORLD IS GIVING ANY FRESH AIR THAT IT WOULD IN THE PARK!!!!

you felt like you were going mental.

Now that took up 5mins, where has she gone.... you speed walk in the dark unlit scary uncomfortable park.

You walk towards the bus stop with little hope left, as you slowly run out of ideas.

You suddenly see a familiar body size sitting down at the stop...

You lower ur eyebrows and direct your eyes towards the small figure in the little light that was cuddling into them-self for warmth and humanity, it reminded you of Suga.

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