Parteu 22

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Suga looks at you nervously, before he could even tell you something, your mum comes "here eat some biscuits" he gulps and holds it.

Your dad says "go on son take it" he sits back on the sofa relaxed.

You laugh "yeah Suga take it" he slowly raises it and takes a bite. He is relieved nothing is poisoned in the biscuit as he chews on, then what awaits for him he thought suspiciously.

He needs the chance to drag you out somehow to tell you. your parents tell you "we we're going to let you in anyway" you think to yourself, as if.

you don't say anything back. Then Suga says "I need to go now, hey y/n come outside with me" you hesitantly look around at your parents then respond "eeeeeeer okaaaaay I guess"

mum stops you and tells you "wait Suga why don't you stay her while me and d/n go out" dad looks at mum sharply asking "why?"

She tells him "let's leave them two together for a bit, that's the littlest we can do, and lets go out for shopping we haven't got our groceries in the house".

You lick your lips turning to Suga in excitement and tell mum "yeah sure go go thanks ma" you say in absolute joy.

Dad looks angrily, you don't catch him and nor does your mum, but Suga who consistently watches your dad's moves to work out what he meant.

Your dad gets ready slowly putting his jacket on, your mum winks at you and you make a confused expression.

she shouts before she leaves "don't hesitate to eat anything, if you need to go to the toilet y/n will show you, bye y/n love you sweetheart take care"

she shuts the door with dad leaving first making an urgent phone call as he gets out not staying anything and mum pleasingly surprising you.

Suga smirks as you walk back into the sitting room. You tell him "I'm still doing the surprise for you tomorrow".

He tells you still confused but out of the stressed zone "yah yoja chingu you don't need to, come here sit down" you sit down close to him.

You tell him happily "I will, but what do you wanna do? Do you wanna watch a movie and eat something"

he tells you looking down and upset "I'm not in the mood" you ask him tapping his leg "yah Suga what's wrong?"

He tells you taking a pause sighing heavily "I think there's still something uncleared between me and your dad, I need to clear the dust"

you ask him jungshook "huh no why would you say that?" Continue to laugh saying "after all that you're still in doubt"

Suga turns to you "I'm a dangerous man and I don't want any harm to come your way because of me. I've tried to solve this one, but you're dad, he's ... not what he seems, I need to know more about him"

you ask him "why" desperate to know why is Suga saying all this, what's bugging him and what's on his mind.

You stop laughing and become serious "ok honestly I'll take you for real, tell me what happened, i don't care If I'm in danger too I must know"

he tells you "your dad, well he said something that I can't make out of"

you ask, filling your voice in the empty room "what?"

Suga looks at you wanting not to tell you, looking nervously "I'm not done with you yet, that's what he said"

you shout "what!"
You have nothing to say yourself.  •••

There is silence between you two as you try figure out what was meant by that.

You clear away your endless confusion as you tell him "yah forget it, I know that sounds like he will do something but he won't he can't, he's probably just warning you"

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