This wasn't just coincidence, he planned it.
You heat up, HOW ... is ... HE ... BREATHING ... so close.

He tells you more "I'll help you"

you get a tingling feeling, the pressure is on! YOU CANT even look at him!

There was no way you could turn to the side, that would completely close the gap between you two.

You tell him "ok, but under one condition" he smiles moving away "tell me girl"

you tell him "as long as you ... don't give me the wrong answers"

he snickers as he was expecting something else, but hearing such a simple request, he looks satisfied.

"Of course...girlfriend" you smile when you hear him accept... but then freak out and blank out when he calls you girlfriend for the first time.

after all that's happened, this is the first time he's called you, YOU ARE LEGIT OFFICIALLY HIS GIRLFRIEND. you feel so excited .... you don't know what this excitement is ...

I've got someone so special, so close to me even tho it's a secret, EVEN MORE COOL....

Wait a flubin second... does that ... mean ... he has replaced his ex girlfriend WITH ME!!


Yes! HE WONT THINK OF HER ANYMORE... that means HE HAS OPENED HIS ARMS FOR ME... or am I going too far with this ...

no can't be HE JUST CALLED ME HIS GIRLFRIEND ... should I ask him...

omo you are thinking for so long... you were restless in joy, you squeal internally.

He waves his hand in front of your face "helllooooooo...." he acts cute.

You don't respond still thinking of reality hitting you so hard it's taking time to process it as if you have to give evidence for a literature test or something.

He holds your hand making you jump "what happened?" He questions you laughing.

Then switches to his other mood.

Y/n: "oh ... er nothing just..."

you bet he knows... but still he asks.

Suga: puts his hand on your thigh tapping then rubbing "it's ok..."

you lick your lips and sip water after moving his hand from your knee "come on let's work"

"first let me do my work" he plays with your hair... holding strips of your hair then twirling it around.

It is very distracting!!! It will be impossible for me to get anything done if he's like this.

You stand up and point him to his seat "go ...go" he stands up too and looks angry "I won't"

you hold his arm and drag him to his seat. He pokes his tongue out in his mouth, smiling like a crazy killer.

He is teasing you way more than he usually does...

(Listen to bts - HOC instrumental )

You not seeing what was ahead, he holds your hands and bangs you against the wall.

You shout "WOOOOOOOOOOH  hold up... Suga ..." he smirks as he strongly holds onto your arms.

you look down at your arms trying to wriggle it out of his power.

He rhetorically questions you "can I do my work?"


Trust me Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang