32.The Black Panther

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Ben swung following the claw trails. He could feel his veins pulsate as the Carnage symbiote flowed through his blood stream. He saw police helicopters and he stuck to the bottom of the helicopter. He examined the scene. He saw the police chase a dark shadowy figure, running as quick as himself, possibly faster than Ben. Ben saw the figure stop and the police surrounded him. The figure let out a big purple explosion.
"Oh shit! I have to catch them!" Said Ben as he leaped off the bottom of the helicopter and dove down quickly.

Ben activated his shotgun webs and shot two webs from each hand and caught the four police officers. Ben's feet stuck on the building and lowered the police down safely. Ben's spider sense went off as police from the helicopter shot at him.

"The police don't like you either I see" said Carnage to Ben

"I'm nothing like you" he said as Ben crawled up the wall quickly as he dodged bullets

Ben made it to the top and saw the figure jump down the side of the building. Ben looked over to see the figure scratch the side of the building as he descended rapidly. Ben shot a web at the figure and pulled himself towards him. Ben kicked the figure in the head and the figure fell. Ben and the figure started free falling down the side of the building. Ben webbed him up and let him fall onto the roof below the building.

Ben landed on the edge of the building and webbed him up more.
"Who the hell are you?" Said the figure in an African accent

"I'm the sherrif around these parts. Who are you?" Said Ben menacingly

The figure slice through Ben's webs and flipped backwards onto his feet.
"I'm the Black Panther, King of Wakanda" he said in an angry tone.

"Why are you all the way out here then?"

"Kraven the Hunter, he killed my father and left my sister Shuri on the brink of death. I will have his head." He said in anger

"As much as I would like that, I need him"

"Then you stand im my way" he said as he took a fighting stance, his claws extended

Ben flipped forward and took a fighting stance as well.
"Final warning, stand down princes"

"I don't care" he said as he slashed at Ben's chest. Ben dodged and threw a punch at his ribs. Black Panther moved out of the way and cut Ben's wrist, leaving three claw marks. Ben saw the symbiote start to heal the wounds. Ben the shot a web line at Black Panther but he caught it. He pulled Ben to him but Ben flipped over him and shot two webs at his shoulders. Ben then slammed him down as he landed.

Black Panther jumped up and kicked Ben off the side of the building. Ben shot a web and slingshotted back up, kicking him in the chin. As Ben remained in the air he shot a web balls at Black Panther, with the other hand he swung behind Black Panther. Black Panther was covered in webs but ripped them off, some webs still remaining on him.
"You fight valiantly" said Black Panther in respect

"I dont care" said Ben angrily as he activated taser webs. The webs that were on Black Panther then were electrified. He yelled in pain as his suit began to glow purple. Ben went to throw a punch at him but Black Panther activated his purple shockwave and sent Ben off the building. Ben went to shoot a web but had no more web fluid in his cartridge. He then saw the symbiote shoot a red web out from his wrist.

"You're welcome" said Carnage

Black Panther lunged at Ben and pierced his sidea with his Vibranium claws. Ben yelled in pain and went for a punch but his fist had been covered by the symbiote. It was now an axe. He hit Black Panther with his axe fist and sent him down to into a warehouse. Bem freaked out and fell into the warehouse aswell.

Ben took off his mask and and tried catching his breath. His spider sense went of but he was too late to react. Black Panther put his foot on his throat and was about to snap Ben's neck. Black Panther saw that Ben was only a teenager and let him get up. Ben gasped for air and saw Black Panther extend his hand out. Ben took it and he was pulled up to his feet.

"Such a brave young man you are, what is your name?"

"I don't really reveal my name out to everyone, thats what the mask for"

Black Panther chuckled and his mask retracted.
"I am T'challa, king of Wakanda, and the Black Panther"

"I am Ben, not a king, but I am Spider-Man"

"Why did you stop me from going after Kraven, Ben?"

"I need him"


"Well...it's complicated. He injected me with a symbiote." He showed him his hand as it changed into an axe by the symbiote. His hand reverted back.

"Ahhh...I see. That's why he was at Oscorp, along with the Vibranium." Said T'challa as he crossed his arms.

The sound of footsteps could be heard as someone was around the corner. Carson came out and T'challa was about to strike but Ben stopped him.
"Hey! Hey! It's fine, he's with me. He's like my inside man."

"Ben what the hell?! You could've at least told me!" Said Carson angrily

"I was sorta busy! What did you want me to do? Leave a voicemail?!"

"I sense distrust in you two. A partnership is only held together by trust." Said T'challa as his mask came back.
"I'll be in touch Spider-Man" he said as he jumped out and ran away.

Ben held his mask in one hand reached into his belt as Carson scolded him
"Ben look...just let me know when you're doing this. Can you at least do that? So I don't accidentally cause anything to go wrong?!"

"IM IN A RED AND BLUE SUIT! IT'S NOT HARD TO FIND ME!" He said in a tired and amusing tone. He held out one of the communicators and gave it to Carson.

"With that we'll be able to talk to each other, off the grid and most importantly, secretly"

Carson looked down at the communicator as he examined it. He looked back up and said
"Did you steal thi-and he's gone...note to self, never work with teenagers." He said as he looked up and saw Ben had disappeared.

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