15.Ben Meets Peter

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Ben was looking at the chruch bell as the lighting from outside struck and the rain fell into the top of the tower. The police sirens could be heard from the bottom of the stair way. Ben webbed the door to the stairway shut. Ben then grabbed at his chest and tried pulling off the black clothes. The symbiote then wrapped Ben in a black cocoon and then it burst,revealing Ben wearing his black suit.
"No! Get off of me!" Yelled Ben as he tugged and pulled at the suit. Ben grabbed his arm trying to pull the symbiote off but it only stretched.
"Get off!" Yelled Ben. The symbiote shot out black webbing from every part of the suit,trapping Ben in the air,suspended over the floor. The symbiote then wrapped itself around Ben creating yet another black webbing cocoon.

All Ben saw was black. The black then went away and Ben was back in the car with the brown leather seats.
"W-Why am I here?" Asked Ben to himself when the symbiote appeared infront of him in the form of his black suit.
"You can't escape us Ben,we've bonded with you,mind,body,and soul. We know everything there is to know about you." Ben kicked open the car door and he fell into white nothingness,a black web catching him. The black suit then appeared infront of him almost as tall as the empire state building.
"We've given you our gift! And you reject us?! You can't escape us Ben! You won't be able to!" Black webs wrapped arround Ben's arms,legs,and his body. A black pit of the symbiote appeared beneath his feet and he was slowly getting pulled into it.
"No! No! Noooooo!" Yelled Ben. He looked down and saw he was in his red and blue suit. He tried shooting webs to pull himself but each strand of webbing was turned black and wrapped around him. Ben was now waist deep in the symbiote puddle.
"You've fallen Ben,we could've showed you your fathers memories aswell but you rejected us. Now we will take you by force!" Ben was neck deep in the puddle and he was getting pulled in more quickly now. Ben's whole body was in the puddle and all that could be seen was his hand sticking out as it slowly decended into the puddle.

A hand grabbed Ben and pulled him out of the puddle. To Ben's and the symbiote's surprise it was none other than Peter Parker. He was wearing his red and blue suit and then looked at Ben.

"Yes son,It's me"

The symbiote shot tendrils at them. Ben and Peter dodged and began to swing at the symbiote. Ben on the right and Peter on the left. They dodged the symbiotes webs and tendrils as they both swing kicked the symbiote. The symbiote fell down the white emptiness but shot a web at Ben pulling him with it.
"You're coming with us!" Peter shot a web at Ben but he too was the trapped in a black web and watched as his son fell with the symbiote. Ben tried punching the symbiote but the symbiote only wrapped itself around Ben's arms.
"We'll show you that you need us!" The symbiote covered Ben and all Ben saw was black.

Ben was able to see again but he wasn't in the white emptiness,he was on the school bus.
"How did I get here?"

"I dunno you walked onto the bus?" Replied a familiar voice. It was Grace.

"You okay there Ben? You look,different"

Ben looked at his hand and saw that he had a strong grip.
"Whoa..." He said to himself. The bus stopped and Ben and Grace got off. Waiting for them was Ethan.
"Ben,Grace,whats up guys?" Ben got shoved by David.
"Hey look its the castaways" David and his entourage laughed. Ben then looked at David and spoke.
"What's the matter David? Can't pick on someone your own size?" The crowd oo'd. David chuckled and went to punch Ben,but Ben got a tingle in his head and dodged the barrage of David's punches. Ben the punched David in the chest and sent him through the crowd of people.
"Holy shit Ben!" Yelled Ethan enthusiastically. Ben looked terrified and ran away.

Ben was now in an alley and was freaked out. He put his hand on the wall and felt it stick. He then continued to climb up the wall
"Woah..." As he climbed up the wall the area changed to his bedroom. Ben was on the ceiling in his room when he heard the doorknob move. He dropped down onto the bed and landed laying down on his bed. His mom came in the room crying.
"Mom,what's wrong?"

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