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Carson held up Ben's mask and looked at Ben. Ben stood there in shock,trying to muster words but couldn't.
"I didn't think it was possible,I've should've seen this! It was infront of me the entire time!" Ben saw Carson get filled with rage and confusion. Carson dropped the mask and web shooters then reached for his gun.
"Woah! Mr.Perryman calm dowm,you don't want to do this!" Ben walked up slowly to Carson. Carson pulled out his gun and the barrel of his pistol was on Ben's forehead.
"I'm only going to ask you once Ben,get on your knees with your hands up" he said slowly and angrily.

Ben saw a giant shadow through the window and squinted his eyes to get a better look before he heard the gun click. "Get on your knees!" Ben saw a tounge slowly slither down the window. "Connors?" Said Ben out loud. Carson turned around and saw the tounge aswell. He lifted his gun away from Ben's forehead and aimed it at the window. A silent monstrous roar was heard through the house. Then Ben was pulled upwards into the ceiling by black tendrils. Carson started shooting up into the ceiling,with the minimal light made from the gun shots be could see a large black figure with large white eyes.

Ben punched the black figure but was then thrown into the wall making a small hole in it. Carson shot at the figure but couldn't find it im the darkness. Ben slowly got back to his feet when two black webs wrapped around his waist. "Black webs?!" Ben tried breaking free but then was pulled into a giant black fist. Carson pulled out a flashbang and threw it on the floor. The flashbang went off and through the bright white blasts Ben could see the entire figure. It was similar to his black costume but more monstrous,muscular,and menacing. He could see sharp teeth,bright white eyes,the same giant white spider from his black costume,and a long tounge. The monster then angrily roared and webbed uo the flashbang. It dropped down from the ceiling and walked into the light. Both Ben and Carson could see the monster clearly now. They were both in shock.
"Hey Ben,remember us?" Said the monster in a dark and monstrous voice.

"The symbiote?!" Yelled Ben confused. The monster laughed evily and then the monsters face retracted back into the body anf revealed Ethans face. Carson stood in shock and didn't know what to do.
"You hurt us Ben! Both of us! Now we will destroy you and everyone you love! Take away what you have taken from us!" Yelled Ethan.
"What have you become Ethan?!" Yelled Ben.

"Not what,but who we have become. We are a poison to you! We are your greatest fears come to life! We are what you truly are! We! Are! Venom!"

Venom's face came back hiding Ethans and turning back to the giant whited eyes that resembled Ben's lenses in his mask,the sharp teeth,and the lounge tounge. Venom webbed pulled Carson through the closet doors and then looked directly at Ben. Ben jumped up and kicked Venom but Venom caught his leg and slammed him into the floor repeatedly. Venom then picked Ben uo from the floor and sent him through his desk,breaking it in half right down the middle. Ben's mask fell on his chest and Venom stood over top of him and then saw Ben's phone get a message from Emma and laughed venomisly.
"We could kill you right now,but you haven't suffered enough. We will make you feel our pain,and we'll start by finishing what we started and then moving on to the ones you love!" Venom sat Ben against the wall and webbed him to wall with a ten huge black webs that went from his right arm,across his body,and all the way to his left arm. Ben struggled and then yelled out. "No Ethan! Don't do it! You're making a big mistake!." Venom was halfway out the window when he turned his head back. "There is no more Ethan! Only Venom! Good bye,Spider-Man." Venom swung away on his black webs as he laughed evily with the thunder striking with every swing.
"No! Nooooo!" Ben yelled out as he struggled to get out of the web. He looked at Carson unconscious on the floor with the closet doors over him. As Ben struggled all he could hear was the thunder muffle Venom's roars.

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