20.Spider-man,No More

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It was now a week after Ethan's death and Ben was sitting on his bed. He had scars from Venom's claws and had mild burns from the flames. In his hands he had his newly sewn mask. He looked at it as the sun light from the early morning lightly shined in his room. He was quiet as he looked at his mask. He felt guilt over his former friends transformation and subsequent death. He then closed his eyes and saw Joel and Ethan. He opened his eyes again and this time stared into his masks eyes and saw his reflection.
"All of this,because of me..." He said to himself quietly. He held his mask in both of his hands and saw Peter's face in the right eye and his own face in the left one. He then heard a voice call out to him and he closed his eyes.

He saw that he was in the same car he was in when he talked to the symbiote,but this time,in front of him he saw his father. Peter put his hand on Ben's shoulder.
"Ben,I know this is hard for you but you need to be strong son." He said in a caring voice.

"You don't understand...You don't understand what it's like to lose two people that you cared about and know they died because of you." Said Ben with his head down.

"Ben I went through the same thing. I know how you feel. You feel a sense of guilt,you feel angry at yourself,you just want things to be good again,but Ben you have been giving amazing abilities. You cant just give up on the people who need you,like Grace."

"You mean like how I didn't give up and killed Joel? Or how I didn't give up and broke my promise to Emma? Or how I turned Ethan into that thing?! Or am I missing the point!" Said Ben with a sense of rage.

"Ben,accidents happen. You know this life is hard. It isn't easy and I know that with experience. But you can't blame yourself for everything." Said Peter with a comforting voice.

"Yeah all accidents that happens because of me! Don't say you know what it's like because you were never here for me! Now you just show up and expect me to act like everything okay!? I killed Joel! I endangered Grace! I endangered my mom! I caused Venom! I am responsible for all of this! After years of not knowing what you look like or even a name and you want me to except with open arms?! All I wanted was to be like you! And now I see that it was a mistake!" Said Ben angrily as he looked at Peter.

"Then why did you become Spider-Man? Was it to help people? To live up to the name? Or was it because you did it all for the thrill?! Because if thats the case you have no business in calling yourself Spider-Man! I became Spider-Man because I learned a lesson that you haven't yet learned. With great power,comes great responsibility."

Ben sat there and looked at his reflection in the rear view mirror.
"Maybe you're right,maybe I'm not worthy of the name. Maybe I wasn't meant to be Spider-Man...I can't continue your legacy."

"So you're just giving up? Giving up on the people who need YOU not Spider-Man,YOU the most?"

"Maybe I am"

Ben and Peter looked at each other with nothing but utter silence.
"I'm Spider-Man,No more"

With those words Ben opened his eyes and held his mask and looked at his reflection one last time.
"No more,no more" he said to himself quietly as the light in the room slowly dimmed. He got up and grabbed a suit case. Ben grabbed his suit and put it in the suitcase neatly. He then put his web shooters on the left and right side if the suit. Finally Ben grabbed his mask and put it in between the web shooters,and ontop of the spider on the chest. He took one final glance and closed the suit case.

Carson was at home on the couch sitting and thinking about what he discovered.
"Ben is Spider-Man,He saved Grace and the people. I was wrong about him,he is what the people need. I need to go talk to him." Carson got up and walked to his coat rack and put on his coat. He heard loud thump and turned around to see his window open,and lying there infront of him a brown suitcase. Carson walked to it and then kneeled on one knee and opened it. Inside he saw Ben's costume,web shooters,and mask. On the inside of the top of the suitcase he saw a note. He took the note and read it.
"I am Spider-Man,No more" is all it said and Carson let the note fall on the mask. He closed the suitcase and said quietly to himself "No more..." Grace walked down the stairs and saw her father holding Ben's mask,she said nothing and then looked at the open window. She shed a tear as she realized that Spider-Man was now gone.

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