Baratheon?Reader (maybe) - You've Got To Pick A Pocket Or Two.

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"When did you meet my father?" she asked you, breaking the silence and causing you to prick your thumb on the needle you were using. You quickly moved your thumb to your mouth, sucking on the pin-prick to stop it from bleeding.

"Not long ago," you told her, around the injured digit.

"Why was he here?"

"Gods know, he was asking questions about my mother," you murmured back to her, glancing at the thumb for a second before going back to work. "What is your name?" you asked, glancing up whilst continuing with your work.

"Arya," she muttered, shuffling on the spot as she watched you.

*Time Skip*

"Children, you're home," you cheered as the door swung open again, only to pause when one of the boys came running over. "Roderick was caught by a guard, he was trying to get a coin purse off of some Lord's belt," he rushed.

"I will go and see if I can find him tomorrow, there is no need to worry, he will get a slap on the wrist and sent away." You frowned when he shook his head.

"He sold us out, miss Y/N," he continued, and you felt your heart drop into your feet.

"The it looks like you will all have to find somewhere else to stay for a while," you murmured, glancing over the crowd and landing on Arya, who was sitting in a ratty old armchair a few feet away. "Promise me you will all be safe," you demanded, passing out their meals and sending them on their way. "Arya, you will need to stay hidden if you are going to stay here," you told her softly, coming to crouch in front of her, "there will be city guards coming at some point and if they find you they will take you away."

She nodded, getting to her feet and shuffling around the room for a moment before, glancing at a cupboard in the corner, "do you think it will be too obvious?" she asked quietly, moving towards it. You heard the clanking of their armour before the knock came on the door.

"We'll have to hope so," you whispered, pushing her forward and piling some blankets over her, "try to be silent," you added before shutting the doors and plunging her into complete darkness. "Coming," you called, crossing the room as quickly as you could and pulling the door open.

"Evening, Ma'am," one of the guards muttered, looking around you and into the room.

"Good evening, Ser, how can I help you?" you asked him with a smile, but he was quick to shove you out of his way. "Excuse me," you cried, taking his arm only for him to lash out and smack you across the face. He marched around the room, glancing at each corner as another guard brought Roderick into the room. "Roderick, sweetness, are you alright?" you yelped, falling on your knees in front of him and running your fingers over his cheek.

"This boy claims you care for a bunch of no-good thieves in this house," the first guard told you, marching to a stop beside you. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to explain.

"Roderick was my sister's boy, he's always had a wild imagination," you told him, pressing a kiss to the boys forehead before pulling him into a tight embrace. "What did he do to earn his bruises?" you asked, glancing up at the cruel guard with Roderick's face buried against your shoulder.

"He was caught stealing from one of Jaime Lannister's squires, he's lucky that Ser Jaime is a kindly man," the guard grumbled, still glancing around the room.

"What were you thinking?" you hissed, pulling the boy away from you and smacking his lightly around the back of the head, "Your mother did not raise you to be a thief," you added, your face contorting into faux anger. "I am so sorry, Ser, if there is anything I can do to make up for the trouble," you started, getting to your feet and glancing up at him through your lashes.

The man looked down at you for a moment, his eyes lingering on your lips for just a second before drifting over to the boy clinging to your skirts. "No," he grumbled, "that will be all," he continued, glancing around the room one final time before looking down at Roderick. "If I see you out there stealing again I will have your hands."

"Thank you, Ser." You spoke softly, ushering the guard towards the door and hoping he wouldn't return to make his point known eventually.

The man finally smiled, glancing at your lips again, "it was my pleasure, Ma'am," he told you and you smiled after him as he made his way down the path and through the back alley. Your smile faded once he was out of sight and you slammed the door shut, rounding on Roderick and glaring down at him.

"What is wrong with you?" you spat at him, "stealing from Jaime Lannister's squire, do you have a death wish?" The boy whimpered as he backed away from you, shrinking slightly as you glared at him. "And telling them where we live, we cannot safely work from here now," you continued, shaking your head.

"I was scared," he yelped, his hands clasped together in front of him as he stared at the floor.

"We have rules here, we look out for each other, and you almost got us all in a lot of trouble, I would have been strung up by my neck if they knew what we did here," you hissed at him. You heard a clatter in the wardrobe and let out a long sigh, "Arya, you can come out now dear," you called out and the doors fell open, causing her to stumble out.

"I'm sorry," the boy cried, now sitting on the floor in front of you.

"You damn well better be, because we can't let this happen again," you told him, "now go and get some sleep, you stupid boy," you continued, your voice softening.

"Y/N, if they find me here they will hurt you," Arya muttered softly, glancing around the room, "I can't stay here anymore," she added and you nodded as you frowned.

"Where will you go?"

"I will try and leave King's Landing, there must be someone here that cares for my father," she told you quietly and you nodded.

"Be careful child, and write when you find somewhere to stay." You reached down and pulled the girl into a hug, before releasing her and pushing her towards the door, slipping a couple of coins into her pocket as she left.

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें