Anniversary Part 2/ Jaylum Maybe? Part 1

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🎵Jay's POV🎵

Niall said I could do what I want until about 8 because that's when he's taking me out.. So that's what I did.. I slept until 7... Cause I like sleep and he woke me up early as fuck..

I got up and took a shower.. I put on a blue dress and black leather jacket and black converses... I didn't use make up because I don't feel like it... Then I spiral curled my hair... My hair is starting to turn brown I gotta as Lou (the guys stylist) to dye it for me... Welp I put my phone in my pocket and his present in his pocket... and put some lip gloss on... Niall walked in our room..

"Damn" we said the same time.. I mean he looks hot.. In a suit and blue tie.. How'd he know i was wearing blue?

I smiled... He took me down to the beach and we had a picnic.. It was lovely... Then we walked on the beach...

He stopped and let go of my hand.. He got on one knee took out a ring box and put it on the sand... He tied his shoe and picked the box up and opened it... It was a lovely ring..

"Promise princess?" I smiled at the nickname he hasn't used in a while...

I took his gift out my pocket and opened the box only to reveal a gold ring with Promise? In green orange and white...

"Only if you promise Ni Bear" I said and giggled...

He stood up and he put my ring on my finger and I put his ring on his finger...

"Promise" we said at the same time...

Then we walked back to the hotel and as soon as we got in the room clothes started flying... and now I'm no longer a virgin.. Welp.. It was nice while it lasted...

I wanted to tell Kay so I put on my Pajama's and walked to her room.. And then I knocked and Calum (shirtless might I add) opened the door...

...Calum's POV...

Kay ran up behind me. "HEY!"

I turn around and look at her "outfit".

"Where in the high holy hell are you going dressed like that?!" I say, slightly pissed.

"To go feed the homeless....." She replies, rollng her eyes. "Like really... fuck off... you're not my damn dad..." she shoves past me and walks out "Bye, dick."

I growl and turn towards Jay. "Why exactly are you here? Your friend just left..." I say. "She's such a fucking slut....."

"I was here for her but she's obviously going somewhere.. So.. Yeah.." She smiles.

"Im completely sorry if that came across rude.... I mean... shes just.... such a damn fuck up. I tell her someone is wrong for her and she comes back and cries that he cheated or they were just a one night thing.... FUCKING HELL." I vent to her "Sorry... please... sit....* I brush off my bed and pat a spot next to me.

"It's ok... That's why she's my friend.. Normal is boring" she sits next to me and hugs me..

I hug back and sigh. 'might as well go down trying' I think to myself. I pin her to the bed and kiss her roughly.

🎵Jay's POV🎵

He kissed me.. Why?.. Oh yeah he likes me.. I liked him but I didn't know he liked me until I was dating Niall...

I kissed back and closed my eyes... I was enjoying this.. As wrong as this is.. I haven't kissed anyone besides Niall for 4 years...

<.<Kay's POV>.>

I walk in fixing my hair and my lipstick.

"OOOOOHHHH SHIT! GET THAT CAL!" I snap a picture "for blackmail..." I slip a condom in his back pocket and pinch his bum.

I walk over to my bed and grab two ties and a drumstick. "Make sure you two are quiet though.. I dont need to hear that...." And with this I leave....

"Got it, babe?" Michael asks.

I hold up the ties. "Thank god you sexy beast... " he pulls me in and kisses me roughly.

...Calum's POV...

Shit she's such an embarassment... hope she didnt ruin it...

🎵Jay's POV🎵

"So umm.. What was that?" I said.. I would sit up be he is still on top of me... He doesn't know that I know that he likes me so I'm gonna stay puzzled.

"Uhh nothing... just sexually frustrated... I can't fuck my sister, now can I?" He says, adding a sly smirk.

"Nope it's gotta be more than that.. That wasn't a lets have sex kiss.. I would know..." I was trying to get him to tell me that he liked me.

"Nah... it was... im just a horny teenager..." he scratches the back of his neck

"I'm not believing this... It wouldn't make sense to kiss someone you don't like..." He's still on top of me...

He finally rolls off of me... "I've kissed my sister... my life doesn't make sense...."

"Why would you? I don't even wanna know... But that aside... Some part of your life has to make sense.." OMG JUST FUCKING TELL ME!

"None of it... can we just drop the subject now?" he sighs


Calum sighs "I can't cause I'm confused... I do but i don't... just... drop the FUCKING SUBJECT!" he screamed back.

"Ugh whatever... Making shit complicated when it's really not..." I mumbled... I pinned him down to his bed... "So would you mind if I did this?" I kissed him..

He pulled away "I don't want it anymore..."

...Calum's POV...

I don't even fucking know anymore.

Kay opens the door with her feet "What the fu-" I start.

She hops onto her feet and hops over to us.

"A little help?" she says, he voice muffled by the sock in her mouth.

I yank the sock out and untie her hands. "You're gross..."

"Not gross! Just.... different...." She smiles and pinches my cheek.

A tear rolls down Jay's face, "i knew this was fucking stupid anyway..." she walked out and slammed the door..

"The fuck was that?" Kay asks.

"N-nevermind it..." I say, fighting tears.

<.<Kay's POV>.>

Oh hell no. no bitch can make my fucking brother cry.

I dart out the door and after her.

"Jay! heyyyyy! whats wrong, love?" I ask, genuinely concerned

"Nothing... It's stupid.. I don't even know why I did it" she said not trying around...

"Oh... THAT... welp.... uhhh.... was it his fault?" I ask.. shoving my hands in my pockets..

She turned around "Look... He kissed me and u saw that part... I tried to get him to admit that he likes me.. And I yelled at him and told him that I knew and he said he was confused and I kissed him and he said he doesn't want it anymore..." She huffed...

Authors Note

This is to fucking long.... Soap I'm gonna finish this tomorrow..


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