Dipper's Guide To The Unexplained

Start from the beginning

Dipper: *throws a can to the creature who throws back a lot of candy, the he hides behind a chair*

Mabel: He's wasting candy!!! Dipper, open your mouth, catch the candy in your mouth!!!

Dipper: What, no, why would I-?!? *accidentally catches one in his mouth, then eats it* Actually, that's pretty good-

Creature: *throws a giant candy bar knocking Dipper down, then it jumps off and runs off*

You: *follow the creature to the living room followed by the twins*

Creature: *steps on the tv remote which cause the tv that hypnotized it, then he sits down staring at the tv*

You: Look, he's hypnotized by the tv!!!

Dipper: *walks next to the couch* And he dropped the candy, what a little dummy! Glued to the-... to the... Oh, I love this movie.

*static, then shows from a far angle you, Dipper, and Mabel on the couch eating candy and the creature by the side eating a golf club*

Dipper: Shouldn't we do something about the monster?

Mabel: Candy now, monster later.

Creature: *whimpers*

You: *pass Dipper a golf club who passes it to the creature who eats it*

Soos: *passing by* Hey (y/n), hey Dipper, hey Mabel, ...hey Grunkle Stan.

Dipper: Well, I guess that's it for Dipper's Guide to the Supernatural. The next episode will probably be about getting rid of this candy-eating monster.

Soos: *whispers to the creature* Psst, Stan, what are they talking about?


Stan's Tattoo

*shows Dipper in his room with Mabel's fingers on the camera lens*

Dipper: Hello I'm Dipper Pines, the girl trying to crush my head is Mabel-

Mabel: I'm helping!

You: Mabel, get your fingers off my camera!

Mabel: *moves her hand off*

Dipper: Today on Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained, we investigate anomaly number twenty-three: Grunkle Stan's Secret Tattoo.

You: *point the camera at all of the tattoo pictures*

Dipper: What is he hiding? A college prank, a secret symbol, or something stranger? Stan claims it doesn't exist, but today we're gonna find out!

Mabel: *snatches the camera and points it her knee* Right after another exciting episode of What's Under Mabel's Bandage!!! *starts to take off her bandage*

You: Ew, Mabel-!!!

*static, then shows Dipper and Soos standing in front of the thermostat*

Dipper: Ok, here's the plan. Stan never takes off his undershirt. *gets closer to the camera* Obviously to hide his tattoo. *goes back near the thermostat* But me and Soos are about to "turn up the heat" on this mystery. *raises the temperature of the thermostat*

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