Chapter Forty Two

Start from the beginning

"When are you going out?" Aiden was leaning on the other side.

"He is picking me up at 12" Leaning against the sink I rubbed my worn out face and splashed water to try and freshen it up. I look tired and drained, not the most attractive of looks.

"It's not even 11 yet so maybe we could do something" I smiled at the request, Aiden was sweet, I couldn't deny it.

"Like what?" I was finished and opened the bathroom door only to see Aiden leaning casually against the door frame, he towered over me, looking down and I could smell a sweet scent from his skin. We were centimetres apart and I was afraid to move, he smirked and leant away allowing me to pass. The moment frazzled me, he was showing his flirtatious side, the side that got to my head.

"I don't know, talk?"

"Talk?" I was surprised, talking had never been on the top of Aiden's agenda.

"You always used to say I never spoke out enough so, let's talk" Aiden slumped onto the couch, still topless and I found my eyes drifting to his tensed abs. He was right, I used to complain that he would never express his feelings and that I wanted to understand his thoughts, I guess now he was trying to change.

"Okay?" I smiled and joined him on the couch, I entwined our legs together and he rested his palm onto my thigh, a shiver shook through me but I ignored it and played with the material he was wearing.

"I am so sorry" He started, he watched my fingers delicately manoeuvre not once meeting my eyes.

"For what?" I kept my stare on his face and watched him battle himself as if churning words around in his head until he could settle on an answer.

"Everything, hurting you. Physically and emotionally" He looked ashamed and I felt sorry for him, he was my best friend and I never wanted that to be broken apart, but what I couldn't fathom was whether Aiden and I becoming romantically involved was what was breaking us apart.

"I know you are and everyone has tiffs"

"Tiffs?" He finally looked up with a confused smile plastered on his face and I smiled back.

"You know, disagreements"

"What? Like this?" Aiden lifted himself up and jumped onto me, just as I had lifted my arms to protect myself, he grabbed them and pinned them above my head. He was now straddling me and we were in fits of laughter. Aiden's grip was firm and I could feel his skin on mine, his laughter subsided and eventually he released my arms and I rested them by my side.

Then there came a moment, one single moment when I found myself looking into his eyes, deeply, searching his soul. He was a beautiful man. He was looking back at me, I wondered if he was reading my thoughts then remembered that was impossible. A connection, a strong connection was there and I couldn't break it, silence was present. Neither of us had said anything, we were just looking directly at each other. Waiting but I wasn't sure what for. After an eternity Aiden cleared his throat and climbed off of me, embarrassed. I was too, that was a flirtatious, romantic move that would have led to kissing if we were more. I couldn't believe I was thinking about it, us kissing. I shook my head and sat up, I needed to stop thinking about Aiden like that, we tried that. It didn't work. He cheated. I have another boyfriend. A wonderful boyfriend. I am happy. Happy. I stood up and re-collected my things.

Aiden stood watching me and I walked over to him, resting my hand onto his cheek.

"Hey, I know you're sorry and I forgive you, I better go" I kissed his forehead and made a b-line for the front door, just as I reached the handle, a hand wrapped around my wrist and stopped me. I spun around only to be embraced into Aiden's arms and kissed. Aiden's soft hands were cupped gently onto my face and his lips so tender brushed onto mine, we were there for a moment before I pulled away, tears rapidly forming in my eyes, I was out of the door and across the street before he could say a word.

When I reached my house I almost kicked the door down, my brother didn't say anything, just let me rampage through to my room. I cried, not because of the kiss but because of what it meant. Aiden wanted more, he wanted me to be his and even though I already knew that it still came as a surprise. I had ten minutes before Gale would arrive. Gale, what the hell would I tell him? Should I tell him? I stopped crying, I forced myself to stop because that was not going to solve my problems. I needed to speak to Gale. Fixing my face and changing my clothes only made me more nervous but when the knock on the door came, I had so nervous that now I was confident. Gale kissed me carefully on the lips and I closed my eyes to try and get lost into him but it didn't work because he pulled away.

I climbed into his car and he started the engine. The conversation was steady, not our usual buzzing atmosphere. He seemed nervous or scared and I couldn't help but think that he saw the kiss. I know he couldn't have but what if he did? I was now scared. We reached the park, I reached for the door handle to climb out but Gale's hand stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I questioned when I saw his face, he was doubtful and my butterflies were making me nauseous.

"I need to talk to you" His voice was slender and silky but that only made me feel worse.

"Okay well I'm listening" I needed him to say it, that he saw Aiden and I kiss so that I could hurry up and defend myself.

"It's killing me" He started and then he looked out of the window as if avoiding me.

"What is?" I said a little too quickly and focused on slowing my breathing, I was shaking and sweating, if he didn't hurry up I was certain I would faint.

"There is something I need to tell you and I don't want you to be mad" I closed my eyes, fighting away more tears.

"Just say it" I whispered, squeezing my eyes closed so hard that it hurt.

"I'm moving to Michigan" I snapped my eyes open and just stared at him, I thought he was going to scold me for the kiss but instead he was telling me he was moving?

"What?" My voice was still a whisper and now the tears released.

"I have joined a soccer team for a scholarship in Michigan for the next few months" His eyes were glazed over and his hand rested onto my knee. All of my mixed emotions were being let go through my tears. I stayed silent because I didn't know what to say. This was an easy way of saying that we were breaking up and that broke me. I leant over and hugged him, pulled him as close as I could not wanting to let him go for the rest of time. Gale would be a hole in my life that not even Aiden could fill. 

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