Chapter Thirty Six

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I stared at Gale for a few seconds my brain slowly processing his words. He was lying, he had to be because Aiden wouldn't get with someone else, not when we hadn't settled what was between us yet. I know that I was about to move on but I would have discussed it with Aiden first. A part of me broke and I knew I cared, but not because I was jealous, but over the fact that Aiden didn't have the respect to tell me the truth. I turned away from Gale not wanting him to see me hurt over someone else. He took his finger and rested it on my chin causing me to look at him.

"I understand you're upset, I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said" He forced a smile but he looked guilty.

"No, thank-you for telling me, I didn't even realise" Gale took my hand in his and pulled me towards him where I wrapped my arms around his waist and he enclosed me into his muscular figure. His skin was warm and I could smell his seductive scent that was tempting my senses. After a cuddle for several minutes, we released each other and strolled back to the beach shack hand in hand. We must have been gone for over an hour because when we opened the back door we noticed that Gale's aunt was stacking up the last of the chairs and sweeping the floor. After saying goodbye and promising to visit again we were back on the road home. I had barely said a word and I wasn't sure why, maybe because my mind was taken up with anger over Aiden's betrayal. Gale pulled up outside my house and I couldn't help but have a long stare in the direction of Aiden's house, hoping to see him in the window which obviously, he wasn't there.

When we reached my front door, Gale turned to face me and kissed my lips tenderly making me smile against his. I kissed him back and in a matter of seconds the kiss had deepened and I was gripping onto Gale's t-shirt like my life depended on it. When we parted I was out of breath and Gale's hand was firmly planted onto my back pulling me in closely, fitting into his body shape. I released his t-shirt and laughed as I worked at the creases I had made, he looked down and kissed my forehead before turning to leave. He looked over his shoulder where I was still watching him walk away.

"Call me if you need anything and I'll be right over" He smiled sensitively and drove away. It finally hit me, the loneliness, I was extremely tempted to race after the car down the road and plead for Gale to come back and stay but I didn't, simply because I wasn't keen on the idea of looking like a bedraggled animal chasing its prey. I sighed and opened the front door. As suspected the house was empty with a note on the side addressed to me.

'Gone Alex's house for the night, Daniel went to the gym will probably be home later'


I re-read the word gym, he was such a liar, Daniel would never go to the gym, he was probably only there to seek out the girls that wanted muscular men. I laughed at the thought of how Daniel would stick out like a sore thumb. He was skinny and pale while the usual gym attendees were built and tanned. Heading upstairs I had to breath slowly a few times to calm my nerves and also back away the nauseous feeling as I took out my phone and texted Aiden.

'Hey, can you come over, I need to talk to you'

He surprisingly texted back immediately.

'Uh-oh, be right over'

I walked over to the mirror and instead of seeing the emotional, worn-down freak I was expecting, the girl that looked back at me looked strong and stable. I could do this, I could clear my life up once and for all. The minutes I spent waiting I paced up and down my room until the expected knock interrupted me. I flew down the stairs and composed myself before opening the door to find Aiden standing at the door. I clenched my fists using all my will power not to punch him in the face. He stepped in and watched me carefully as I slowly closed the door, I considered leaving it open incase I wanted to throw him out but I had no chance of that at my size. He waited, neither of us saying a word.

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