Chapter Six

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I froze, as in my hand was a cute little box with a ribbon wrapped around. There was a small message attached to a label it read;

'Peyton, Love Aiden'

"Open it" He whispered, he was shaking slightly meaning he was nervous. I looked at him with loving eyes and I smiled and returned my gaze to the box and I worked at the ribbon. I slipped the lid off and inside was two pieces of paper. I took them out and unfolded them.

"What are these?" My voice was barely a whisper but he still heard.

"Two tickets to Florida" He smiled as my grin grew too large for my face.


"Two weeks" His eyes glistened. I threw the box onto the counter and I squealed and jumped back onto Aiden. He laughed and pulled me in, holding my legs against him. Tears began to form in my eyes. This was so romantic and I couldn't believe he did this all for me. When I jumped down, realisation hit me and I punched his chest.

"What?" He said looking at me confused.

"How the hell did you pay for these? I can't accept these" I looked at his face for an answer and he smiled honestly.

"Don't worry, my mum and your mum helped me pay for them, but I put my fair share in" He smirked, proud of himself. I walked back over to him with confidence, he stood and watched me, curious as I grabbed his face and collided our lips. This kiss wasn't just a 'thank-you' kiss, this was the kiss that signified the start of something new.

After 5 minutes of kissing and hugging, Aiden finally left to get back to his game. By 'left' I mean I had to convince him to go and push him out the door, as much as I wanted him to stay, this football game was important to him. I would see him later after the game for dinner anyway.

"Crap" I said out loud to absolutely no-one when I realised I had no food still. I was unsuccessful when raiding the cupboards so had to go to the store. A thought suddenly hit me, a part from a movie when the woman cooks her man a nice romantic meal. I wasn't the best cook but I thought I would try, it was the least I could do.

I grabbed my purse and headed for the 20 minute walk to the bus stop. When the bus finally came I flashed my card and soon arrived at the grocery store, which I also called a huge warehouse of food, furniture and other totally unrelated products. Walking around I found the basic ingredients for spaghetti bolognese. I payed for them and headed back for the bus stop.

I sat on the bus stop bench with my bags at my feet. After a few minutes I turned to see Casey, the popular, cheerleader chick sitting beside me sobbing. I had never felt so awkward. I didn't know whether to say hi, but then would I be dragged into her life story? But what if she'd seen me, I couldn't ignore her. Great, here we go.

"Casey?" I asked tilting my head. She looked up at me hopeful but disappointment soon crossed her face. Charming. "Are you alright?" I asked, I didn't care but I thought I'd be polite.

"Yeah, I'm fine" She lied, she sounded angry. I turned away getting the hint she wanted to be left alone then she burst into tears drawing curious stares our way. I froze then rested my hand on her back, she didn't flinch.

"What's happened?" She stopped crying and sat up looking at the sky.

"Brody happened." Brody was her boyfriend. Typical popular girl problems. I didn't want to get involved.

"Basically..." She began.

Too late, I was involved.

"He was cheating on me" I looked at her with a 'I'm not surprised look' and she nodded at me with agreement. "Typical, I know right, classic story" She huffed.

"Are you heading home now then?" I asked, I didn't quite know what else to say, frankly I was in shock that she was telling me all this, she didn't even like me. To be fair I don't think anyone liked her so she must of felt lucky I asked her what was wrong.

"No I'm heading to his house" The anger returning in her voice.

"Is that a good idea?" I knew the answer was 'no' but I also knew it wasn't my place to try and stop her.

"Yes, its defiantly a good idea."

Casey had got on a different bus to me thankfully, I didn't want to face the awkward 'don't go', 'your better then that' speech. It was beginning to get dark and I only had half an hour until Aiden's game was due to finish. I began to cook dinner. When I placed all the food on the counter top I noticed the tickets. I was still in shock and couldn't believe I was going to Florida, with Aiden. Perfect. Tonight was going to be an amazing night.

I blasted my iPod throughout the house singing to Katy Perry,  dancing with every step, classic teenager. When dinner just had to be left to simmer I decided to head upstairs and change into something a little more attractive then my t-shirt and shorts. I wanted Aiden to be surprised when he saw me, for once. I always felt like Aiden overlooked me sometimes, hopefully that would change from now on.

I ran to my room, 15 minutes. I rummaged through my closet, what to wear? A dress? Too fancy. Just a t-shirt? Too casual. This was defiantly girl problems right here. First I had the issue of what underwear to wear. Lace? Too sexual. Granny pants? They were out of the question. I stuck to my lace covered black bra with a black thong. I finally settled on midi dress, it was plain black and very tight, clung to all my curves and ended just below the knee with mid-length sleeves. I always wore this dress when I went out with the girls. Then black trainer socks... typical me.

I let my hair down from its bun and it resulted in beach waves that ended in the middle of my back. I touched up my make-up adding some pink lipstick and eyeliner. I looked at the clock, the game should have ended 5 minutes ago, meaning Aiden should be here in 10 minutes. I was beginning to get butterflies in my stomach. This wasn't an official date or anything but now we were a couple, secretly. I wanted to make it special.

As I had suspected, 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door. I breathed out, shaking and opened the door. Aiden was sweaty but he never looked so irresistible with his hair swept over his face and charming smile calling to be kissed. My boyfriend who was holding a few yellow daffodils, dropped them to the ground along with his bag. His mouth wide open and his eyes wide, looking me up and down. I blushed and he was still frozen. When he didn't move seconds later I reached up and kissed him, he grabbed my back, lowering his hands to my bum, he leaned into me with desperation. I must have looked pretty damn good to make him desperate.

When we finally released lips, he picked up his bags, threw them inside, closed the door and picked me up in a baby carry. I squealed.

"Aiden, put me down!" I wailed, clinging to him as I was rather high from the ground.

"Hell, no, you're coming with me." He laughed.

"No wait Aiden please, hold on" I said seriously before wriggling from his grip, I ran to the cooker and turned out the food. Then ran back and flung myself back into his arms. This was perfect. He took me too my room where he laid me on the bed before climbing on top of me. His hands were warm and his kisses were tender. I moaned uncontrollably while he trailed his tongue down my now bare body. Turns out I spent 10 minutes picking out an outfit and didn't have it on for half as long!

Aiden took off his shirt and shorts leaving us both in our underwear. We were both lost in our own world, it felt like time had stopped and I wasn't complaining. He made my mind muffled and I couldn't think. As Aiden trailed his hand over my bra strap, I heard a faint noise, awakening me from this paradise.

"Hold on" I whispered but Aiden continued to kiss my neck. "Aiden" He stopped and looked at me worried.

"I'm sorry if you don't want too..." He sounded worried and searched my face.

"No, it's not that I thought I heard..." I began.

Best Friends With BenefitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora