Chapter Forty One

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I slept well that night because I was so exhausted. Gale and I had sex, passionate, loving and sexual sex. I tried to re-live the experience but it was too great to understand. I could feel Gale's hot breath on my back and I rolled over to face him, it was strange, us, both being naked in bed next to each other. I ran my hand over his chest and his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey" I whispered and we shared a smile.

"Mm" He purred as he ran his own hand over my body and over my bum, his soft touch was teasing. I leant towards him and we hovered for a moment, our lips only a centimetre apart and then finally they touched, we deepened the kiss and he reached and pulled my body so that I was straddling him, I could feel his warmth beneath me and erection at that. I continued the kiss and his hands explored my body further. This was the best morning ever.

Gale and I showered separately for a chance to rinse away the recent and previous layer of sweat, the cold water trickled down my spine and I treasured the feeling. When I stepped out I slipped on a  pair of lace shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt, I walked back into my room and Gale was wearing some tight denim shorts and a white shirt, he looked so damn hot. I walked slowly towards him and reached up to kiss his lips. He kissed me back and hooked his fingers into my shorts pulling me closer. When we finally broke apart I took a deep breath of his scent before walking away.

My brothers were still in bed so I didn't need to explain why Gale was in the house this morning, Gale's car was parked just outside and he opened the passenger door for me to slide in. He owned a green land rover with black seats that were heated by the rising run. We stopped off at Gale's house on the way, he lived in a stunning white condo with floor to ceiling mirrors revealing the intricate interior. I waited in the car and five minutes later he emerged with his belonging and we were on our way to school. Every now and again I couldn't stop myself from glancing over to Gale to catch a look at his gorgeous face, I sighed, I wish I didn't have school today so that I could drag him back to bed.

We pulled into the car lot and the field was buzzing with people, the long weekend meant I hadn't seen Alex for at least the last two weeks, especially since my brother now spent a lot of time with her I didn't want to get in there way, plus, she was like me, she would rather spend time with her boyfriend. Gale pulled the car smoothly into an empty spot and jumped out and I followed. Once we had begun walking my mind was distracted by dozens of thoughts but they were all broken when Gale took my hand in his, I flinched at first and then clasped it firmly, he grinned and placed a sweet kiss onto my forehead making me smile. Gale wasn't afraid to show me off to others and I loved it. We reached the outside of his classroom and he longingly kissed me goodbye and I turned to see Aiden approaching.

"Hey" I nudged him with my elbow and he smirked, I was so glad we were back on good terms.

"Hey, I was thinking, pizza and movie night tonight at mine?" I smiled and nodded and he slung an arm over my shoulders just like old times. I was glad that he had relaxed over our whole 'adopted' conversation and I had no intention in bringing it back up. We strolled to class where we separated.

It was coming to the end of the semester, I only had a couple of weeks left and I had no idea what I was going to do the whole summer, I pondered the whole lesson of plans I could make in the following weeks and tried to balance my thoughts between time with both Gale and Aiden. Suddenly Julia, a tall brunette in my class interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey Peyton" I stared at her for a moment, I remember briefly speaking to her, one year I worked on a project with her but aside from that we never really spoke so her introduction took me by surprise.

"Hey" I returned and she sat on the seat next to me, the class and tutor were minding their own business so no-one would scold our conversation.

"I'm friends with Gale" She started and immediately my heart fluttered, I didn't know the type of girl she was but I knew that she was pretty and fashionable and that was enough to catch a guys attention. I wondered what she thought of him, at the end of the day I didn't know what 'friends' referred to. I snapped the thought out of my mind, I was his girlfriend now, I needed to relax, I guess I was just paranoid from the Aiden drama.

"Cool" I fiddled with my pen and she smiled.

"I'm having a party tonight, you should come" She reached into her bag, ripping a page from a small journal and picking out a pen, she scribbled down some numbers and an address. I took the paper and nodded, maybe a party would be good, it was something to do at least.

"I'll be there" I smiled and she slid back to her seat at the front of the class. When the session was over and we slowly began to spill out of the classroom Alex weaved her way through the crowd towards me.

"Hey girl!" She squealed and she snatched the piece of paper Julia had given me moments before. "You were invited too! Julia invited me, we have to go!" I breathed a sigh of relief and began to look forward to the event.

As we wandered through the hallways I was bombarded with questions about what I would wear and what time we should meet that eventually I just nodded to Alex's continuous chatter. Luckily Gale swept up behind me and wrapped him arms around my waist, Alex stopped and wandered away clearly feeling like a third wheel.

"Hey" I hummed as I kissed his neck and he chuckled into my shoulder. "Are you going to Julia's party tonight?"

"Damn, I can't, I have a  soccer game I have to get to" My smile faded in disappointment.

"Oh, okay, I guess I can still go with Alex" I glanced over to where Alex was standing to find her texting and leaning against a locker, only then did I realise that her hair was slightly lighter and her complexion brighter, maybe my brother was having a positive effect on her after all.

"You should go, have fun, catch you later" Gale kissed my forehead and left to catch some of his teammates. I approached Alex and she continued the party chatter that was interrupted. Could I still go to a party that I was only invited to because of my boyfriend? It didn't matter, she had invited me so I was going.  

When I got home I went to my wardrobe and dug out a blue playsuit, I only had a couple of hours to get ready, talk about late notice. I jumped into the shower and was soon out and working on my make-up and hair. I left my hair down and once dried, turned wavy. My make-up was dark and blackened to match my black suede heels. With many musical distractions I was eventually ready and texted Gale

'Hey babe, good luck at your game. Talk tomorrow'

He quickly texted back.

'Hey gorgeous, be safe and no kissing any other boys, I love you'

I couldn't help but smile.

When Alex and I pulled up outside the address it wasn't difficult to see that there was a party occurring, every light was on and flashing with music shaking the ground, hopefully the neighbours didn't want much sleep. We approached the front door and was immediately greeted by Julia.

"You made it! Drink" She ordered and handed a red cup to Alex and I, we shrugged, tapped the cups and threw them back. The liquid was warm in my throat and began to burn on its way down making me cough slightly.

"Vodka" Alex giggled as she coughed slightly too. We wandered through the house which was filled to the brim with people all holding cups or smoking a substance. When we reached the kitchen, the centre island was covered in multi-coloured drinks and bottles, as we neared we grabbed whatever we could and continued to walk around.

A couple of hours had passed of mingling and I had drunk a fair bit of alcohol and it was starting to affect my balance and vision. I sat of the stairs surrounded by falling and laughing girls. My head was feeling fluffy like I was made of candyfloss and each time I moved my hand to hold onto something, it was always further then it seemed. As the rest of the alcohol found its way to my brain I rested my head onto the stairs and listened to the bass of the music. Several older guys came rumbling down the stairs past me causing me to get up and move, I headed towards the front door and when I reached the front lawn it was covered in drunk teenagers. Classic house party. I did what I had done a few moments ago an found an empty space to lay on where I closed my eyes and drifted asleep. 

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