"Hey, Ester?" Saria asked.

"If you could hold your questions about the papers for tomorrow, I kinda need a fresh mind." I chuckled. "You could ask Mr. Flinkens, that's another per-"

"No, I was actually going to ask if you wanted to hang out some time." She smiled. I gave her a confused look. What did she mean?

"Sorry, that sounded weird." She giggled "You just seem like a cool person and you don't really seem to talk to a lot of people. I just kinda wanted to get to know you better. I mean, it's fine it not.. I understand."

"Oh" I nodded. Was I supposed to say yes? Was that something you're supposed to do when someone asks you to hang out? No one's ever asked me to hang out before. I took a minute to thing about how I should respond. 

"S-sure" I nodded "What did you want to do?" 

"Well, I was thinking.. I need to get my nails done soon... and are you thinking about going to homecoming? We could look for dresses?" She suggested.

"Homecoming isn't until next month though?" I told her.

"I know." She sighed "It's a shamefull thing I do.. I love shopping for dresses so I go early."

"Are you going with someone?" I asked.

"I dont know yet" She shrugged.

"Well, yeah. I can.. uh text you?" I pointed to the phone in her front pocket.

"Yeah, sure." She smiled. We exchanged numbers and she went back to what she was doing. 

It's weird how things are changing drastically. Because of me being being president in yearbook, things have happened that I would have never expected. I can't quite tell yet whether this is a turn for the good or if it's something that could break me.


"Saria's cool." Steven assured me "She's kind of on the quieter side, but i've talked to her before. She's good friends with Luke." 

"Everything leads back to those kids. Everyone is so freaking obsessed with them." I shook my head.

"It's cause they're australian." Steven chuckled, "And because they're actually cool guys."

"What about that Michael kid?" I asked.

"He's cool" He nodded "He's very... rebellious, I guess you could say. He doesn't do much other than go to school and play video games."

"And hits on me." I told him.

"Really?" Steven laughed "I guess you could say that's kind of typical of him. But I should give him more credit than that. He is actually a gentelmen. He just wants to be funny."

"Well he's not." I giggled. "He's more... pathetic. How do you know so much about them anways?"

"I've talked to them before in past classes." He shrugged.

I felt like what we were doing was an every day occurence. Steven and I would get home from school, make a grilled cheese and then sit and do our homework. When we would get bored, we'd talk about what has recently happened to us. It was like a best friend thing.

We normally would hang out at lunch, but since we both end school at lunch time - only because of our senior scheduals - we come back here and hang out.

"Are you going to homecoming this year?" I asked after a little scilence.

"I don't know.." He shrugged "Why?"

"I've never gone to a school dance..." I told him.

"You should come!" He smiled "Oh my god, this could be so fun."

"No way." I shook my head.

"Damn it, Ester. You suck." He laughed, "It would be so fun."

"Give me some time to think." I looked up and put my finger to my chin as though I was thinking. "No." I stated.

"You have a month to think about it. I could find you a date and everything." He told me.

"Ew." I stuck my tongue out.

"Please" He begged. "I could do your hair and everything!"

"I'm not going to homecoming" I laughed.

"We'll see about that." He said and stayed quiet.


random filler sorry it's boring and sucks. doesn't really go anywhere l0l 

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