Calum laughed at me, and he fixed his hair under his beanie. "Isn't it late where you are?"

Since my iPod was busy with the FaceTime call, I checked the digital clock that was on my desk. "It's only two AM. It's not that late."

Calum gasped, and he jumped on his bed. "Lucas, you need your sleep!"

"Says the boy who stays up watching Supernatural," I retorted with a roll of my eyes.

"I thought we discussed this already. Supernatural is addicting! Besides, you do the same with Sherlock. Speaking of, I've been wanting to watch that show for a while now. Is it any good?"

It was my turn to gasp, and I covered my hands over my mouth. "Calum, I swear, if you watch the show, I will love you forever."

"So you don't love me now?" Calum said with a pout.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I was at a loss for words. "N-no! I do! I-I do—"

"I'm kidding, Luke! I know you love me already. I mean, I'm fabulous." He waved his hand under his ear as if he were pushing away the long hair that he didn't have. I chuckled at his action, and he gave me a big smile.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. "I never asked. How are you?"

Calum smiled, putting his hands under his chin so that he pulled a cupcake face. "I'm happy!" he cheered, and I almost cooed because he was so damn adorable. He laughed, falling back on his bed, and then he suddenly got up with a small gasp.

"What happened?" I asked.

He looked at me with horror in his eyes, and I got a panicky feeling in my chest. Then he spoke, no louder than a whisper: "I spilled my ice cream."

I doubled over in laughter, clutching onto my shirt as he yelled at me. "It's serious!" he whined, grabbing the cup that was on his bed. "Mind you, Lucas, it was really good ice cream!"

"What time is it over there, anyway?" I asked.

Calum checked his phone, and he looked back at me. "It's a little past four. I should be watching Supernatural right now, but I'm spending my time with... you." He feigned a shudder, and I pouted.

"I thought you loved me!" I complained, and it was his turn to laugh at me.

It seemed to me as if we were switching places every once in a while. One time I would laugh at Calum, and then something happened and he would laugh at me. We had a strange friendship, indeed.

"Hey, let's play 20 questions!"

Calum gave me a tired smile, and he yawned, holding his hand over his mouth. "I'd really love to play with you, Lukey, but I'm tired as hell."

"Are you just trying to watch Supernatural?" I joked.

"Aw, you caught me. Nah, I'm really tired. I'll ask a few questions if it makes you happy, though."

I clapped my hands like a child, and he smiled at me. "Okay, who asks first?"

Calum shrugged. "I don't know."

"You go first," I said.

"You go first."

"No, you got first."

"No, you go first."


"No, you."

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