Chapter 42: Skylights

Start from the beginning

I turned my head, but it had vanished. Then, out of the other side came a shimmer of green. This time I knew I wasn't imagining it.

Without another thought I Flashed myself to the top of the tree. The wind caused the branches to sway but I steadily climbed my way to a branch with a good view of the sky.

There it was again. Pink streams of color danced across the sky in an amazing display of agility. Green and purple and red soon followed. Each leaving a hint of the color in its trail, causing the stars to shine with color through it. Making for an unbelievable sight.

I leaned my head against the trunk of the tree and dangled my feet below me. My eyes glued to the sky and it's spectacular event of color.

In the back of my mind, I wondered where Deven was. I knew I should probably be worried but, I was too tired. I realized that I hadn't had a proper night's sleep in days.

I closed my eyes and watched the dancing sky fade behind my eyelids.

I was sitting in a meadow, again. The sun warming my face and a sweet smelling breeze blowing my hair. I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment and when I opened them, a little girl stood in front of me. I jumped.

"Hello there." I said.

The girl just stood there.

"Who are you?"

Still nothing. I stood up.

"Do you need something?"

The girl flashed me a quick smirk, "It is YOU who needs something, Katherine."

I instantly recognized the voice.

"Shadow." I muttered.

The little girl morphed into the too familiar, black shape of the Shadow.

"Good to see you too." He laughed.

"Lesson time again?"

"Not quite. It appears you've been doing fine on your own. I also sed you've sorted through your emotions so that has significantly helped. Sometimes it is best to self discover one's own abilities."

"Alright," I said impatiently, "So what do you want?"

"We had a deal, remember, Katherine?"

I shoved my hands in my pockets, "Yes. I remember. You help me master my powers, and I get rid of Peter. But seeing as you're giving up on teaching me-"

"I did not say I was giving up," he growled, "If you feel you need the help, I will give it to you."

I brushed a piece of hair out of my face and looked up at him.

"Did you know about the Blue Moon thing?" I asked.

He hesitated, "Yes. I knew."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I shouted.

"It was not my place to tell. The legend could have been a myth. But then you were born and Pan want mad with wanting your powers."

Utterly shocked, I plopped down in the dirt and crossed my arms.

"Any other questions?" He asked.

"No. Just get on with whatever you were going to bloody say."

"Peter is going to find you."

"What?" I shot up.

"Let me finish." He growled, "Peter is going to find you. But when he does, you have to do something. You have to make him know you hate him."

I rolled my eyes, "Believe me. If the time comes, I will. But won't he kill my friends and take me?"

"Not if YOU find him before he finds you. I'm sorry, I cannot stop him from finding you. It will happen. But you can help make the encounter less dangerous."

I shook my head and put my hands on my hips, "Why does he have to know I hate him?"

"Just do it. You will know when the time comes."

And with that, he vanished.

I woke up to shouting from the distance.



"Kat!" A panicked voice yelled, "She's in the bloomin tree!"

I cracked open my eyes and almost fell at my awakening. I forgot I had fallen asleep in the tree. I must have dozed off after Flashing up here.

"Kat!" James called up at me.

I looked down and waved, "I'm alright. One second!"

I Flashed down next to him and this time, he jumped.

"Woah," he said, "When'd you learn to to that?"

"It was all me, actually. I helped her learn." Tink proudly stated.

I wanted to interject but, she was right. She pushed me to learn.

"Sorry," I chuckled, "The sky looked cool so I went up for a better view and I fell asleep."

James pulled me into a hug.

"You just scared me, that's all."

I hugged back. I didn't realize how much I'd missed him. How much I'd missed his hugs. They were different now, because he had to bend down to hug me, but they still felt all warm and secure.

"I'll leave a note next time." I smiled into his shoulder.

He pulled away and looked me up and down before clapping his hands together.

"Okay then. Who wants some breakfast?"

"Oh, me! I'm starving!" Tink said.

James walked over to the unlit fire and began rubbing two sticks together, trying to create a spark.

"Um, James?" I asked.

He was furiously rubbing the sticks together and I could see his brow sweating already.

"What?" He panted, not stopping.

I moved my hand and in the pit, a large fire erupted and James moved backwards.

"Oh geez, sorry!" I ran over to him and held up his hands to see if they were unharmed. They were.

He wiped his face and looked up at me, "You gotta warn me about this stuff."

I grinned and wrapped my arms around him.

A/N: aww siblings ♡

So wow this story is slowly dwindling down towards the end! Well, you guys can't see how it is but I've already written most of it so its crazy for me to see this progress!!

Thanks so much for sticking with me guys :)


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