"You will be Prince GuoFu's wife, LanBai," YuLan softly muttered, "He will be looking after you very well as your husband. But the Prince ... may... have the same intention towards me."

LanBai stared at her for a few breath, then her eyes widened and she covered her widening mouth with her palm. 

YuLan then knew she somehow understood what she had been trying to imply.

"Then, that is VERY good, YuLan~!!" LanBai let out a pure delighted laugh.

It was YuLan's turn to blink, not comprehending.

"If Fu-ge will also look after you like he will to me - as a husband, that means we will truly be sisters, no?"

YuLan's eyes twitched, "Is there something wrong with her brain?"

"It is much better if Fu-ge truly likes you that way, anyway. You will have a high status as well. Yes of course, I will still be his wangfei. But being a first rank concubine to a Royal Prince is also very well respected, YuLan," she grabbed YuLan's hands excitedly,

"And you will have both of my and Fu-ge's affection. Isn't that better?"

YuLan was feeling very faint all of a sudden.

LanBai pursed her lips and continuously muttered to herself, but clear for YuLan to hear,

"Why haven't I thought about this before. I should have made the request to Fu-ge a long time ago, so he can properly propose a formal marriage request towards you as well.. .. I am sure Mothers will not mind..."

"Waiiiiiiittt~!!!," YuLan broke her hands free of LanBai's grasp, and lightly kneaded her own temple to ease her sudden headache.

"LanBai. Are you sure you understand?," she asked warily,

"This means your future husband may have intention towards another woman. Even though that woman is me, why would you even be remotely happy about this kind of arrangement?"

"Why wouldn't I be happy?" LanBai blinked, "Mother and second Mother also share Father... . And they live harmoniously just like sisters."

YuLan's mouth gaped open like a goldfish. She wanted to bang her own head against the wall. 

Well no, she wanted to bang LanBai's head against the wall, but she was afraid she would do more damage than how the other girl's current state of mind already was.

LanBai was going to chirp further, when the door to the music room was opened. 

YuLan was never more pleased to see his music teacher - HeShan - 's figure appearing in front of her.

She needed to put a distance from Ji LanBai. She needed time to collect her thoughts. 

Music was always a good way to calm herself down. Fortunately, it was time to be present in front of the guests, so she could just forget about their prior conversation and focused on their performance instead.

As they made their way to the central courtyard, she noticed the courtyard had been filled by several people. However YuLan only took a wide glance at them, not quite recognizing most of the unfamiliar faces. She could recognize Chao HuiBo and Chao MeiHua, who she had seen when they were at Lian house. 

As her gaze lightly met Chao HuiBo's, he nodded slightly at her as greeting. YuLan was mildly surprised as she remembered the young man's impression of her had not been too favorable previously. But clearly he had not forgotten any propriety, so she nodded back at him, smiling faintly.

Then Chao HuiBo's figure distinctly stilled and he quickly shifted his gaze away.

"He's still rude...," YuLan sighed, but shrugged it off as she did not really particularly care what the man would think of her regardless.

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