"Who's that guy?" Michael leaned next to me and whispered in my ear.

I looked at him.

Who was he, indeed? I'd never seen him before in my life! He was with my friends, so it must be someone on our side, right?

"I have no idea, but-" I whispered and got interrupted.
"Hey, young lady!" one policeman said "No talking allowed!"
"Excuse me..."

Author's POV

 "Now, young lady, sit down and let's have a little chat." the policeman said.

Jessica was so extremely nervous and had no idea what YN had said to the policemen! She regretted listening to YN to hide the priest's body in Derek's basement! She should've never gotten herself involved into this huge mess! Oh God! What was going to happen to her now?!

"Where do you know Derek from?" the policeman asked her.
"He lives in the same neighborhood."
"Yeah and so do many other people, which you probably don't know. My question is, how did you get to know him or should I rephrase it... what business do you and your friends have with him?" Jessica gulped down, looking at the other policeman, who was writing something on his laptop.
"Well, we were just... just..." what should she say?! "You know..."
"No, I don't know. What are three teenagers doing with an old man?"
"Nothing? It doesn't seem like nothing to me... You're the first young people I've seen around an old man and to tell you the truth, it seems quite odd to me."
"Or maybe I should ask your parents, if you don't wanna tell me the truth!"
"No, just not my parents!"
"So your parents don't know about your little friendship with the old man? That makes it even more weird... Let me ask you this... is he molesting you?"
"What?! NO!! No, there is no such thing! Derek is a good man! He's only helping us that's all!"
"Helping you with what?"
"Things you wouldn't understand!"
"How about we try and see if I would understand or not?" Jessica rolled her eyes, this man was annoying. "Or should I ask you parents?"
"No, okay! I'll tell you, but don't tell anyone..." she took a deep breath and begun "I know this is going to sound crazy, but the thing that has been killing people is not an animal." she made a short pause to gather her courage. Jessica decided that if she told him the truth, he would focus his attention on catching the werewolf and would forget about the priest. "It's a werewolf." she whispered, looking into his eyes. After a few seconds of silence, he said
"I see." with a strange intonation. "And what does Derek's help has to do with this... with this.. werewolf?"
"He's helping us catch it! Something that you should be doing!"
"Aha and ah... what does Derek know about catching.... werewolves?"
"He did kill it once when he was young, or he thought so! Now it's back! It's killing people and wants revenge. We have to stop it. Tonight's full moon... we have to hide in our homes and lock ourselves up! I advice you to do the same thing."
"I ah.. see. Just one more question... The priest's wife said that her husband was supposed to go to Derek's house and you were the one who said that."
"Did the priest come to Derek's house and were you there?"
"Yes, he did. He read a prayer for Derek and then left, but what happened with him after he left, we don't know that."
"By we you mean, you, YN, Daniel and Derek?"
"You were all there after the priest left?"
"And ah.. why were you at Derek's house in the first place?"
"We were talking about the werewolf and coming up with a new plan to catch it!" 
"I see. Well, thank you, Jessica, that was all. Now, please go outside and wait there."

Jessica got up, now feeling better since she thought that her story sounded logical and convincing, and with little luck, the policemen would forget about the priest and start looking for the beast.

"What do you think, James?" the policeman, who was writing on the laptop asked as soon as Jessica left.
"This is the craziest story I've ever heard."
"Yeah... werewolf!!" they both exploded in laughter. "Lock yourself up! "Hahaha! Those teenagers are crazy!"
"Not quite, my colleague." he said "They think we are fools, who are going to believe in their crazy stories.
"Which don't even match!"
"Exactly! I mean werewolf!? How stupid do they think we are!" they shook their heads.
"There is something very fishy about the priest and those kids."
"I'm almost certain that they killed the priest."
"Yes! There are two version... the first one is, they really believe in werewolves thanks to that crazy old man, who's probably been brainwashing them with those weird werewolf stories and they thought that the priest was the werewolf and killed him. Or second, they don't believe in werewolves and are only trying to distract us.. but one thing I know for sure, the priest's death is connected with those kids and I'm going to find out how."
"So we arrest them?"
"We have serious evidence against them. Their stories don't match... and one more thing... I think we should go look at Derek's house to see if we'll find something."
"That's a great idea. Now let's go arrest them!"

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