Ch. 25 Hello again, Beasty

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"It's about to start!" was all I managed to say to warn everybody.

We all looked at the priest who was about to start changing any second soon!

He then collapsed on the floor suddenly and we all jumped in fear! Was this how a transformation was supposed to start?

He was going to get up any second soon, but with the beast within him.

The beast was about to rise right in front of my own damn eyes.

"What the heck is he doing?" Daniel asked nervously and he wasn't the only nervous one.
"That's how it starts probably..." Derek whispered. "The human fell asleep and now the beast's about to wake up... any second now." we were all so focused on the priest and every muscle in my body was tensed up to the max, waiting for the priest to start transforming, but then suddenly we all heard a loud, single tap against the small window of the basement, that was behind us. It sounded as if someone tapped their strong hand against the glass and their nails made a sound too as they hit the thin glass! Then, suddenly... I stopped breathing for I had realized what was behind us.

I was praying to the Lord above, I'd be wrong! I was praying in my mind while cold sweat started running down my forehead and my body unable to move, petrified with fear. I felt as if I was dead, but alive at the same time.

A living corpse, unable to move or breathe.

Since I was the closest to the window, which was behind me, I saw Daniel, Derek and Jess slowly turn around with their eyes landing on the window, then they looked at me. I looked at the priest who was still in the same situation from before and realized...

The priest was not the beast.

We made a mistake. A huge mistake.

And the beast knew it.

We looked at each other again, not knowing what to do or say, when Daniel spoke

"What was that sound?" Jess shook her head, I was still unable to move, I only whispered
"The werewolf..." I was so scared that it would hear my whisper, that after I said 'werewolf' I involuntary put my hands into fists and squeezed them so tight, until my nails dig into the skin and I felt a little blood pouring out.
"No way!" Daniel said as if he was trying to convince his own self. He then pretended to be brave and walked over to the window, but I could see his legs slightly shaking. He looked out of it and said "There's nothing out there! It must have been some dog..." then suddenly, the window glass broke and through it came a hairy hand with long, sharp nails and grabbed Daniel's head.

We screamed in panic! Daniel was trying to fight with all his strength to remove the beast's hand off his neck, but it was impossible. Derek run to him trying to help, then I and Jess joined too. We were pulling Daniel towards us away from the window and Derek was holding the werewolf's hand, trying to remove it from his neck. It all happened so fast, that I didn't have one second to think. All this pulling went on for like 30 seconds, until suddenly, my eyes met the beast's eyes.

It was looking down right at me and when it saw that I was looking at it too, it suddenly let Daniel's neck, pulled his hand through the window and disappeared so fast.

Daniel was trying to catch his breath, but Derek helped him up and said

"We can't stay here! Let's go!" we headed to the living room, but stopped as we heard something heavy above us.

Derek made us a sign to be quite and pointed at the front door. This meant we had to leave for the werewolf was upstairs in his very own bedroom.

We quickly got out of the house and right into Daniel's car! We had to get as far away as possible from the house.

"It's not the priest!" Jess said "IT'S NOT THE DAMN PRIEST!"
"We only made it worse..." Derek said "It knows everything we're doing! It went as far as to go into my house! It is afraid of no one! It doesn't care that the neighbors might see it. We're dealing with a fearless, psychopath werewolf..."
"Great! Just great!" Daniel said "What do we do now?"
"I don't know.." Derek replied.
"Call the police!" Jess said
"And how are you gonna explain the priest in my basement??!" Derek replied.
"We're going to the police!" Daniel said "I don't care about no priest! We could have died tonight, we need some kind of protection!"
"Do you honestly think that the police is gonna help us you stupid boy!! If we go there, we might end up crazy!"
"People think you're crazy anyway, old man! At least they can help us!" they begun fighting like crazy in the car and I was only sitting there without moving my body when suddenly, my mind figured it out
"We're going to the gypsies!" I declared, Derek and Jess looked at me, and so did Daniel but through the mirror. Silence followed, I guessed they didn't expect me to even talk since I've been like petrified "Only they can help us." I broke the silence and after a few seconds, Daniel said
"You're telling me that we should enter the forests during full moon and after knowing that the werewolf will be probably looking for us tonight to kill us, since it knows that we're trying to kill it?" they all looked at me again.
"Do you have a better plan?" I asked them.
"She's right." Derek supported me "Only the gypsies can help us." I saw Daniel's grip around the wheel tighten as he heard we had to enter the forests.
"Then..." he gulped down a limp "to the forest we go." he made a turn which lead to the forest and the atmosphere in the car became even worse. No one talked.

We were just sitting in the car, silently and when I looked at Daniel in the mirror, I saw his eyes looking around, most probably searching for the werewolf. I looked at Derek too - the same. He was looking outside to see if the beast was following us.

I wanted only one thing.

If the werewolf's goal was to kill us, I hoped it would do it tonight quickly without us having to endure much pain. I didn't want to become the werewolf's toy to play with like a cat plays with a mouse before it eats it. Because to be a werewolf's toy was NOT funny.

Daniel stopped the car.

"I can't drive anymore. We have to walk from here..."

I was buried in my thoughts that I didn't even realized when we got to the forest.

We got out of the car and looked at the forest.

"Do we really have to do this?" Jess asked.
"Yes. Come on, the beast is probably still in town!" Derek said to kind of calm us down and cheer us up a little. "Now is our chance!" I didn't know if his words made me more courageous or not, but I wanted to end this story once and for all.
"Let's go." I said and stepped forward into the forest, the rest followed me after a few seconds.

Don't miss the updates of this story to find out:

What's gonna happen in the forest?
Who's the big bad wolf?
What will Michael do when you suspect him?
And is your relationship with Michael going to remain a secret forever?

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