Ch. 34 Examine Michael

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Next day
Michael's POV

I was in the kitchen, listening to the radio and cooking. My beloved YN was at school right now and I was purposely looking for chores and work to keep me distracted, so that I would forget about her absence.

Yes, I was that obsessed with her.

I was ashamed of myself, but I just couldn't control it. I had never before felt like this... there was a mixture of feelings within me, which included love, obsession, passion, desire, lust, jealousy, anger and only at the mere thought of her leaving me I just.... I felt like a bomb that was going to explode big and wipe out the whole town off the face of the earth.

YN messed me up and I couldn't deny it, even I didn't know when and how it happened. Of course, I didn't tell her that I felt this way about her for it was too strong and I was afraid that I'd push her away from me...

As for that stupid bitch, my ex wife Lisa, she could go to hell. Now I wondered, how could I have ever loved her... of course, that wasn't love, I just didn't know it back then. Love is what I have for YN now and if someone tried to take her away from me, I was going to make them-


Someone was at the door. Who could that be?

I put the spoon on the kitchen isle and went to get the door.

"Hi..." I put a fake smile on. It was that old man, was it Deren or Derek.. what the hell did he want from me? "Can I help you?" I kindly asked.
"Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you, but.." he sighed "I was baking a cake and realized I had no sugar. Could you please.."
"Oh of course, no problem!" old freak.

Just as I was about to go to the kitchen, I heard him come in.

"What a beautiful home!" I didn't invite him! What the fuck was he doing!? "You don't mind, do you?"
"Of course not, please come in!" hell yeah, I do!

He closed the door behind him and walked in. He started looking around and just followed me into the kitchen, then simply sat at the table.

"Mmmh.. smells good. You can cook?" he asked.
"Yes, of course." I started looking for the damn sugar.
"So, Michael.. you've been here for how long?"
"Weeks... I don't know."
"You like it here?"
"I love it here." I met the love of my life, of course I did!
"Good, good." he replied.

Why would he ask me such things?

"YN's parents are gone, I see?"
"Are they dead?"
"Excuse me?" what kind of a question was that. I looked at him and his eyes were filled with suspicion. "They are on a business trip."
"They've been gone for a long time, maybe they're dead... missing... their bodies can't be found.."
"I don't understand what you mean..."
"Because something, I don't know.. ate them." he looked deep into my eyes and waited for my reply.
"Don't tell me you believe in it too..."
"Believe in what, Michael?"
"The big, bad wolf."
"People are being killed in brutal manners... bodies are missing.. even body parts."
"Well, I think it's some sick murdered, who is a human and not an animal."
"Sick, indeed." he almost whispered.
"There you go." I gave him the sugar, hoping he would leave now. That man made me nervous. He took it and said
"But at least YN is with her cousin.. to keep her save." I smiled and nodded "You seem to get along really well, that's good." the tone of his voice of weird. His words made me shiver.

I immediately thought of our love relationship, but of course, there was no way that old man knew. I guessed he was just being talkative or completely mad, as people say, so I ignored him.

"Well, thank you for the sugar, neighbor." he said and got up. Finally, he was leaving!

I escorted him to the door and even opened it for him.

"Derek, " I decided to tell him something. He turned around and looked at me "please stay away from YN." I gave him a warning smile.
"I am not the one who's bad for her... Michael." he gave me one deep, sharp look "But don't worry, she'll be safe soon." with this he turned around and left.

What was that supposed to mean? What a weird man... and once I saw YN with him. I had to warn her about Derek later. I didn't want her to be around crazy people...

What a crazy way to start your day. Little did I know, it wasn't over.

Maybe after what seemed like 30 minutes, someone rung the doorbell again. I opened the door and in front me stood Daniel and Jessica. They were staring at me and I was staring at them. What the hell were they doing here?

"Aren't you two supposed to be at school right now?"
"No." Daniel said.
"We are sick. Very sick..." Jessica replied. "Actually, I forgot something the last time I was here... so I came to get it, if that's okay?"
"Ahmm.. sure! Come on in!" they were YN's friends, I had to be polite.

They didn't wait for a second invitation, but scurried inside, almost going through me. What the hell was going on today? Everybody was acting weird...

"So, what is it that you're looking for?" I asked.
"My pink sweater. I forgot it in YN's room."
"I'll go get it." I didn't like the way those two were looking at me, as if I was some kind of criminal.

I couldn't believe that my YN was surrounded by crazy people. As matter of fact, this whole town was crazy and weird. It was a good thing that I convinced my love to go to university and leave this cursed place.

I went into her room and looked for the sweater, but couldn't find it anywhere.

When I returned downstairs to tell Jessica, I found the two of them standing in front of my oven and looking inside of the pot and examining it. I cleared my throat loudly and they jumped, Jessica even let out a silent shriek. Did I really scared them?

"Sorry..." I said and they nodded their heads "What are you doing?"
"We were just looking... " I started walking towards them and they immediately backed away, so I stopped. What the hell was wrong with those kids?
"I couldn't find your sweater.."
"Oh I must have.. left it somewhere else then..." she said.
"Cooking meat I see..." Daniel said.
"Oh well, look at the time, we gotta go!" Jessica suddenly blurted out "Thank you and sorry we disturbed you, Michael!" then they scurried out of the house and left.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? First that Derek and now those two?! YN was right when she said that Jessica was being weird.

Could it be that they suspected something?

No, that was impossible. No way.

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