Then a hole in the ground appears in front of me and from inside the hole I hear someone yell "carrot missiles" then carrots shoot out from the hole in the ground.

Then I see a girl with two braids and messy brown hair poke her head out of the hole "huh? I missed!" she says a little surprised and disappointed.

Then a giant green plant with thorns comes out of the hole and lifts the girl up into the sky.

"What the?!" I yell, then I see a guy with white hair and black headphones appear behind me "I saw you use your magic" he says pointing a finger at the brown haired girl.

Then he is knocked onto the ground "I saw it, too" a familiar voice said 'Lyon' I thought.

"Lyon" I say "i found you, Gray" he says "hey" Luke says, casually appearing out of no where "water dragons roar" he yells attacking Lyon and me.

i growl at him before I'm teleported somewhere that looks close to the center of the town.

"You are so easy to find" Nalpudding says bringing his fist and attacking me again "what the hells with that guy?" I ask myself getting off the ground.

Then it begins to snow, I gasp lowly "I miscalculated by realizing there are some wizards here who can stand the cold" I hear eve say from somewhere nearby.

"I see you! over there!" I hear eve yell as he uses snow to attack the brown haired girl, the guy with the headphones and Nalpudding.

Then i see ice eagles flying towards eve and hitting him making a small snow explosion 'Lyon' i thought.

"sorry, but cold doesn't work against me" Lyon says confidently "Figures" Eve says smiling even that he's in pain.

"Found you" Nalpudding says slamming his fist in front of me "Damn you, Jawface targeting me all this time" i say "Water Dragons Roar" I hear Luke say hitting both me and Nalpudding.

"Stop getting into my fights" I yell at Luke before being teleported to the center of town where i see Rufus from Sabertooth there.

He is standing on top of a building in the middle of town "This competition is too simple" he says confidently.

"I rememeber it, everyone's heartbeat, footsteps, the quality of their magic, I remember it" he says.

"Memory make" he says putting both of his hands towards his ears, making yellow lines appear.

then the day sky turns to the night sky and all the people that aren't sculptures including me start to glow.

I begin to look around to see everyones expressions shocked "Night of falling stars" Rufus yells making yellow light beams move towards each of us.

When it reached me i was electricuted and i yelled in pain "Bubble" I hear Luke say right before he is electricuted, then a air bubble surrounds him and he wasn't electricuted.

Meanwhile i hear everyone else yelling in pain besides Nalpudding who dodged it then he jumps up the building rufus is on "You stick out like a sore thumb" Nalpudding says to Rufus.

Nalpudding brings his right fist forward about to hit Rufus but Rufus dissapears "Oh no? just a copy" Nalpudding says as he's falling to the ground with his right fist out.

"Relax, you won't loose any points" Rufus says reappearing "That was the memory of me being there" Rufus says .

Then he shoots his right hand up and it begins to glow and so does Nalpudding "I don't need a decoy" Rufus says holding his hat down with his left hand.

"I didn't even need to hide" Rufus says "Molding magic" i say angrily trying to stand up.

"I've heard rumors about him, i see, he really is someone to be rekoned with" i hear Lyon say "Think this is all one big joke? obey the rules of Hidden" i yell angrily leaping towards Rufus.

Then i see Nalpudding jump in front of Rufus and then he hits me with his foot on the back making me fall to the ground with my face smashed into the ground.

"Again?!" i yell "Time's up!" i hear the announcer yell and the town and sculpturos around me begin to dissapear "I'm going to do a lot of spinning now" Lyon yells totally frightened.

"As expected Sabertooth took first place, but Fairy Tail Team B wasn't far behind" the announcer says.

I walk towards the exit and hear Lisanna say "Good job, Gray you did your best" i ignore her and continue walking to the exit.

'Raven Tail...... Molding Magic' I thought with anger. I punched the wall and made a big hole in it " I swear i will get you both back" I said with pure anger in my voice.

Then Lucy teleports in front of me and says "Congratulations Gray" "thank you" i say trying to calm down "I know your angry at them so here's a book with a few ice spells in it they are really powerful so be careful" she says handing me a brown book.

"Thanks Lucy" i say hugging her "Your welcome, i have to go congratulate Luke, bye" she says waving her hand "Bye and thanks again" i say as she dissapears.

"i will look at them in the inn" i say to myself walking out the exit and to the inn.

Lucy's P.O.V

'hm....... i hope he's able to master them quickly because it took me a while' i thought "Congratulations Luke" i say jumping onto him.

"hehe! thanks" he says nervesouly "what's wrong?" i ask slightly tilting my head to the side "You promise you won't beat me up for not coming in first place" he asks nervously.

"i promise" i say reassuringly "ok" he says then i hear the announcer talkling "The first match of day 1 is From Fairy Tail Team A, Lisanna Strauss versus Flare Corona From Raven Tail" the anouncer yells.


Ok! i know, i copyed pretty much everything from the episode but at least i wrote it because pretty much all the books I've read they skip it.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Here are the results from "Hidden" (The points each team got)

1st: Sabertooth 10P

2nd: Fairy Tail Team B 8P

3rd: Blue Pegasus 6P

4th: Mermaid Heel 4P

5th: Raven Tail 2P

6th: Lamia Scale 1P

7th: Quatro Cerberus 1P

8th: Fairy Tail Team A 0P

Fairy tail: I Will Never ForgiveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant