How to Write a Cliff Hanger

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A cliff hanger is when a book or chapter ends without finishing the story.  

Cliff Hanger is something every reader hates because they never find out what happens and most will scream at your book and want to kill you. just a heads up warning :)  

But we readers are so cruel, that we write cliff hangers anyway. so don't let the readers stop you!

1. Write a Cliff Hanger Abruptly

*less than 3 sentences

*Resolution comes in next chapter or next book.

*You are allowed to wait to give a resolution. Some writers, (Rick Riordan) will give a solution in the next book, but after the first 3 chapters.

2. Make the Readers Eager for More

*if they aren't anticipating the next part, or screaming about how they want to murder the writer, yeah, that means you did something wrong.  and it also means your story most likely sucks. 

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