How to Title Your Book

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1. You don't have to Worry About the Title at the Beginning of the Writing Process. You can take time on the title so don't force yourself to think up a title right before you start actually writing.

2. Look for Key Words in the Book

*in my book,  SPIES REBORN, I have the word SPIES mentioned a lot because my characters are all spies. So that word is now apart of my book title. 

3. Take the Key Words and Turn Them into Titles

* For my book NOT JUST SECRETS, I have a lot of death, secrets, and destruction. I had made a list of all the possible titles. 

4. Eliminate any misleading titles

*If I see a book with BLOOD in the title, I usually think it's about Vampires or Zombies. I had no idea it was really about spies or someone getting their heart broken.

5. Take the Rest of the Titles and Google Them.

*eliminate any titles that are similar to others. If one of your titles is Fire Catching, guess what's going to end up popping up everyone types that in? 

*I'll give you a hint. they won't be finding your book. They'll just find Catching Fire, from the Hunger Games.

6. Tie Breakers

*Choose your favorite.

*if your indecisive like myself, have someone else choose for you

*Or have several people, (friends, social media etc)  vote on which one they like the best.

That is what I did with my book NOT JUST SECRETS.

7. Books in a Series

*If it's a stand-alone, all you need is a title and you are done.

* if you have a series, you need to be a little more careful about titles.

*most books in a series either rhyme or have the same formula.  (Divergent Series for Example.)

8. Titling the Book Series

*Named after the first book (Hunger Games series as an example.)

*rhymes with the titles of the other books  (Divergent Series) 

* has the same formula  

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